%%% Middle East Technical University
%%% Unofficial Presentation Template
%%% May 16, 2022
%%% Semih Can Aktepe
\title{Insert a Title for your Presentation: Middle East Technical University}
\author{Author Researcher \\ \footnotesize{\texttt{your-email@metu.edu.tr}}}
\institute{Insert the name of the institute or event}
\date{November 15, 1956}
%References file
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
%%%%%% You can delete everything below until \end{document} command.
\section{The first section}
If you want to highlight \textcolor{metured}{important phrases} in your presentation, please do so with \textcolor{metured}{metured} colour. The listings, bullet points and blocks are all in this colours.
\item This is the first item.
\item This is the second item.
\item This is the third item.
\item Eye-Tracking
\item Brain Imaging
\item fNIRS
\item EEG
\item fMRI
\item Questionnaire
\subsection{This is a subsection}
\begin{frame}[t]{Multiple Columns}
You can also use $\backslash$multicols command to create equally divided columns. Suppose you have a list of 6 items. You can divide them into 3 columns automatically as such.
\item Eins
\item Zwei
\item Drei
\item Vier
\item Fünf
\item Sechs
\subsubsection{This is a subsubsection}
One of the famous quotes, in this regard, is the following:
``Timeo hominem unius libri.''
This Latin saying means \textit{``I afraid of the person with single book.''}
\section{The second section}
\begin{frame}[t]{Block Page}
You can create definition boxes as such:
The \textcolor{metured}{entropy} of a random variable is the average level of information, surprise, or \textcolor{metured}{uncertainty} inherent in the variable's possible outcomes.
\section{The third section}
\begin{frame}[t]{Official colours to be used}
\fill [color=metugreen](0,0) rectangle (2,2);
\fill [color=metubrown](3,0) rectangle (5,2);
\fill [color=metublue](6,0) rectangle (8,2);
\fill [color=metured](0,3) rectangle (2,5);
\fill [color=metugray](3,3) rectangle (5,5);
\fill [color=metublack](6,3) rectangle (8,5);
\node at (10,4) {\textcolor{metublack}{Main Colours}};
\node at (10,1) {\textcolor{metublack}{Only if needed}};
\node at (1,4) {\textcolor{white}{Metu Red}};
\node at (4,4) {\textcolor{white}{Metu Gray}};
\node at (7,4) {\textcolor{white}{Metu Black}};
\node at (1,1) {\textcolor{white}{Institute}};
\node at (4,1) {\textcolor{white}{School}};
\node at (7,1) {\textcolor{white}{Center}};
\subsection{Another subsection}
\begin{frame}[t]{How to cite things?}
You can use $\backslash$textcite or $\backslash$parencite commands to cite from your bibliography. Just type the short name of the source, \LaTeX\,automatically formats the citation and adds it to the end-text references. You can see the examples below.
\textcite{ozge2019wait} say that children use morphological cues to comprehend sentences. People expect some syntactic elements with more probability compared to some others during sentence comprehension \parencite{levy2008expectation}. Although some disagree, multi-dominance rules 'em all \parencite{citko2021merge, chomsky2014minimalist}!
%References frame. Its order could be changed with the "Thank you" page.
\makethanks%This prints out the "Thank you" page.