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Gonzalo Medina, Moriambar, Harlor
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Overleaf version of Gonzalo Medina post on tex.sx

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Overleaf version of Gonzalo Medina post on tex.sx
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% colorize text
% a tabular* for each food group
% to format each entry
\sffamily#1 & #2}
% to format each subentry
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize #1}
\Entry{Chicken Wings}{4.50} \\
\Expl{6 Stück inkl. 1 Dip nach Wahl} \\
\Entry{Chicken Wings}{5.90} \\
\Expl{9 Stück inkl. 2 Dips nach Wahl} \\
\Entry{Mozarella Sticks}{4.50} \\
\Expl{6 Stück inkl. 1 Dip nach Wahl} \\
\Entry{Mozarella Sticks}{5.90} \\
\Expl{9 Stück inkl. 2 Dips nach Wahl} \\
\Entry{Extra Dip}{1.00} \\
\Expl{Barbecue, Chili-Cheese, Sourcream, Curry, Süßsauer} \\
\Entry{Pizza Margherita}{6.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella} \\
\Entry{Pizza Salame}{7.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Salami} \\
\Entry{Pizza Funghi}{7.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Champignons} \\
\Entry{Pizza Prosciutto}{7.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Schinken} \\
\Entry{Pizza Tonno}{7.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Thunfisch, rote Zwiebeln} \\
\Entry{Pizza Hawaii}{8.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Ananas, Schinken} \\
\Entry{Pizza Salame e Prosciutto}{8.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Salami, Schinken} \\
\Entry{Pizza Vegetariana}{8.50} \\
\Expl{Tomatensoße, Mozarella, Blattspinat, Mais, Tomaten} \\
\Entry{Pizza Texas}{9.50} \\
\Expl{BBQ-Soße, Mozarella, Salami, Bacon, Paprika} \\
\Entry{Pizza Chicken Deluxe}{9.50} \\
\Expl{BBQ-Soße, Mozarella, Salami, Bacon, Paprika} \\
\Entry{Pizza Brook}{9.50} \\
\Expl{Chilicheese-Soße, Mozarella, Mais, Chicken, Paprika} \\
\Entry{Pizza des Tages + 0,33l Softdrink}{9.50}\\
\Expl{Pizza des Tages auf dem Board ausgeschildert} \\