Matty's Resume
1 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
Jake's Resume alternative for students

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Matty
% Based on: https://github.com/jakegut/resume (which was itself based on https://github.com/sb2nov/resume)
% License : MIT
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Last Updated on January 12th, 2024
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Matty Doe} \\ \vspace{8pt}
\href{https://github.com/mattyDoe}{\underline{github.com/mattyDoe}} $ $
{\underline{mattydoe.com}} $ $
\href{https://linkedin.com/in/mattydoe}{\underline{linkedin.com/in/mattydoe}} $ $
% -------------------- EDUCATION --------------------
{College University}{June 2026}
{B.S. Computer Science}{Current GPA: 4.0/4.0}
{Little High School \footnotesize{(Dual Enrollment at Mission Community College)}}{June 2022}
{}{GPA: 4.44/4.0}
\textbf{Courses:} Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures \& Algorithms, Embedded Systems, Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Physics, Probability \& Statistics \\
\textbf{Awards:} Dean's Honor List (3x), AP Scholar with Distinction (2x), World Language History Award (Spanish)
% -------------------- SKILLS --------------------
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: C/C++, Python, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML/CSS, \LaTeX} \\
\textbf{Tools}{: Git/GitHub, Unix Shell, Webpack, VS Code, IntelliJ CLion/PyCharm/IDEA, Atom}
% \textbf{Frameworks}{: React, Node.js, Flask, JUnit, WordPress, Material-UI, FastAPI} \\
% \textbf{Libraries}{: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib}
% -------------------- PROJECTS --------------------
{\textbf{Carbon} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{Flutter, Dart, Supabase, APIs (INRIX, Google Maps), Git, Unix Shell, VS Code}}{Nov. 2023}
\resumeItem{Team project for the INRIX Hack 2023 Hackathon, earned Honorable Mention}
\resumeItem{Developed a social media mobile app to gamify eco-friendliness using the INRIX API}
\resumeItem{Learned how to use Flutter in conjunction with backend databases and APIs}
{\textbf{ChatBuzz} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Webpack, API (Twitch), Git, Unix Shell, VS Code}}{May 2023 -- Present}
\resumeItem{Developed a full-stack web application for Twitch livestreamers to display repeated chat messages on OBS}
\resumeItem{Experimented with Twitch API's OAuth Access Tokens to get chat data from the given channel}
\resumeItem{Collaborated with livestreamers to get feedback and suggested features}
\resumeItem{Solved problems relating to asynchronous tasks}
{\textbf{FoodDropper} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{Java, Maven, API (Spigot), Git, IntelliJ IDEA}}{Aug. 2022}
\resumeItem{Developed a Minecraft server plugin to limit players to one way of replenishing their hunger bar}
\resumeItem{Used persistent data containers to save and load data, ensuring that it persists across plugin resets}
\resumeItem{Optimized UX e.g. sound design, food drop timing, supplied saturation level, and addressed potential workarounds}
% -------------------- EXPERIENCE --------------------
{\textbf{Competitive Programming Club} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{Member}\vspace{8pt}}{Sept. 2023 -- Present}
{\small{Involved in the club centered around Competitive Programming}}
{\textbf{Apex Tutoring}\vspace{8pt} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{Tutor}}{2019 -- Present}
\small{Routinely tutor K--12 students in math, coding, etc.}
{\textbf{Luigi Team Charity} $|$ \footnotesize\emph{Volunteer, Manager}\vspace{8pt}}{2018 -- Present}
{\small{Earned an award for philanthropic hours spent, still giving away 100 stocked backpacks a year}}
{\textbf{Playing the Drums}\vspace{8pt}}{2013 -- 2019}
{\small{Played the drums in symphonic, jazz, and marching bands}}
{\textbf{3\textsuperscript{rd} Place Time Keeping Challenge Championship \footnotesize{(Time Keeping Assocation)}}\vspace{8pt}}{Feb. 2022 -- May 2022}
{\small{Won \$1500 nationally competing against high school students in counting seconds and minutes}}