A basic template that I intend to use as a start for my projects. Includes some PSD template and some new commands for Laplace and Fourier Transforms.
\documentclass[12pt a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[a4paper, total={210mm, 297mm}, includehead, includefoot,margin=2.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb}
\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref*{LastPage}}
%%Custom Commands
\title{Fourier Series New Command}
\author{David Aspden}
\large{title footer}
\parindent 0ex
This is a template that is a good starting point for a project. It is set up for A4 with headers and footers. All math packages are included and it builds a clickable contents page.