Template for a title page and corresponding format for a master thesis of joint degrees at UvA and VU
\usepackage{parskip} %Automatic blank lines if there is an enter
%% for equations a nice parameter description
{\par\vspace{\abovedisplayskip}\noindent\begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} l}}
%% spacing before and after equations to the text
%% top margin headheght
%% Set up the bibliography
% styles https://de.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Biblatex_citation_styles
% here is the used bibliography package
%Originally \usepackage[style=authoryear,sorting=nyt,maxcitenames=3]{biblatex}
%% If you want to manually add you library from mendeley or other source
% \addbibresource{mendeley.bib}
% for spacing between references in the bibliography
% for the commas between author and year
%% Additional packages and commands
%settings for the SI units
\sisetup{locale = DE,
output-decimal-marker={.}, % because in german is switched to {,}
range-units = single ,
list-units = single,
group-minimum-digits = 4,
number-unit-product = \hspace{0.16667em plus 0.08334em}}
%% here individual units are defined
\setlist{itemsep=-2pt} % Reducing white space in lists slightly
\renewcommand{\deg}{\si{\degree}\xspace} % Use \deg easily, everywhere
%%%%% Begin of document %%%%%
%% Roman page numbering
%% Defining the main parameters
\title{Catchy Title}
\subtitle{Explanatory subtitle}
\author{First and last name}
\studentnumber{student number}
%\subject{A nice subject}
\mastertrack{Analytical Sciences}
\affiliation{University of Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam}
\companysupervisor{Your company supervisor}
\firstsupervisor{First examiner}
\secondsupervisor{Second examiner}
\handindate{Month Day, Year}
\studypoints{number of studypoints ECTS}
\startenddate{Month year - Month Year}
\definecolor{title}{HTML}{4884d6} % Color for title
% title page
% abstract
%% Arabic page numbering
%\input{mainmatter/chapter-4} % Create file to add
%% Prevent urls running into margins in bibliography
%% Add the bibliography
% Letters for chapters