% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
% !TeX program = pdflatex
% LuxSleek-CV 1.1 LaTeX template
% Author: Andreï V. Kostyrka, University of Luxembourg
% 1.1: added tracking and letter-spacing for prettier lower caps, added `~` for language levels
% 1.0: initial release
% This template fills the gap in the available variety of templates
% by proposing something that is not a custom class, not using any
% hard-coded settings deeply hidden in style files, and provides
% a handful of custom command definitions that are as transparent as it gets.
% Developed at the University of Luxembourg.
% *NOTHING IS HARCODED, and never should be.*
% Target audience: applicants in the IT industry, or business in general
% The main strength of this template is, it explicitly showcases how
% to break the flow of text to achieve the most flexible right alignment
% of dates for multiple configurations.
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % We are using pdfLaTeX,
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % hence this preparation
\usepackage[left = 0mm, right = 0mm, top = 0mm, bottom = 0mm]{geometry}
\usepackage[stretch = 25, shrink = 25, tracking=true, letterspace=30]{microtype}
\usepackage{graphicx} % To insert pictures
\usepackage{xcolor} % To add colour to the document
\usepackage{marvosym} % Provides icons for the contact details
\usepackage{enumitem} % To redefine spacing in lists
\setlist{parsep = 0pt, topsep = 0pt, partopsep = 1pt, itemsep = 1pt, leftmargin = 6mm}
\usepackage{FiraSans} % Change this to use any font, but keep it simple
%%%%%%% USER COMMAND DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% These are the real workhorses of this template
\newcommand{\dates}[1]{\hfill\mbox{\textbf{#1}}} % Bold stuff that doesn’t got broken into lines
\newcommand{\is}{\par\vskip.5ex plus .4ex} % Item spacing
\newcommand{\smaller}[1]{{\small$\diamond$\ #1}}
\usepackage[colorlinks = true, urlcolor = white, linkcolor = white]{hyperref}
% Style definitions -- killing the unnecessary space and adding the skips explicitly
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} %% Left column -- outer definition
% Left column -- top dark rectangle
\vspace{-.2ex} % Eliminates the small gap
\colorbox{cvblue!90}{\color{white} %% LEFT BOX
\kern0.09\textwidth\relax% Left margin provided explicitly
\Large Guillaume \textbf{\textsc{Ouancaux}} \normalsize
% Centering without extra vertical spacing
\vspace*{0.5ex} % Extra space after the picture
Innovative and passionate \textbf{data analyst} with over 15~years of experience in the chocolate and confectionery industry, seeking to leverage extensive background in data analysis, flavour profiling, and market trends.
Proficient in Python programming, I have successfully developed and maintained multiple scalable and efficient software applications.
Demonstrated strong problem-solving skills by implementing optimised algorithms and data structures in Python, significantly improving system performance.
\headleft{Contact details}
\small % To fit more content
\MVAt\ {\small wonky.william123@gmail.com} \\[0.4ex]
\Mobilefone\ +352\,123\,456\,789 \\[0.5ex]
\Mundus\ \href{https://github.com/WillyWonka}{github.com/WillyWonka} \\[0.1ex]
\Letter\ 49 Paddocks Spring, Farthingtonshire SG2 9UD, UK
\headleft{Personal information}
%Year of birth: \textbf{1861} \\[0.5ex]
Citizenship: \textbf{United Kingdom} \\[0.5ex]
Family: \textbf{Single without children} \\[0.5ex]
Languages: \textbf{French}~(B2), \textbf{Luxembourgish}~(A2), \textbf{German}~(A1), \textbf{English}~(native)
\item Python, SQL, PySpark
\item R, Matlab, Azure Databricks
\item MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
\item Communication and team collaboration
\kern0.09\textwidth\relax%%Right margin provided explicitly to stretch the colourbox
\end{minipage}% Right column
\hskip2.5em% Left margin for the white area
\setlength{\parskip}{0.8ex}% Adds spaces between paragraphs; use \\ to add new lines without this space. Shrink this amount to fit more data vertically
\textsc{Senior data scientist} at \textit{Shockelasrull (Luxembourg).} \dates{2021.04--pres.} \\
\smaller{Natural language processing, topic modelling, olfactory analysis, building chained processes, automation of reports.}
\is % Item spacing -- defined in the preamble
\textsc{Data scientist} at \textit{Chocky-Facky SA (United Kingdom).} \dates{2019.02--2020.11} \\
\smaller{Predictive models for consumer taste preferences, market trend analysis, advanced data visualisation, negotiations with stakeholders.}
\textsc{Data analyst} at \textit{Chocolate River Factory (France).} \dates{2018.02--2018.12} \\
\smaller{Data collection processes, extensive research on carbonation levels, collaboration with product development teams.}
\textsc{Research support} at \textit{Everlasting Gobstopper Ltd.\ (Mongolia).} \\
% \null is necessary here because this is a manually enforced break
% and \dates start with an \hfill that needs a \nukk
\null\dates{2016.05--2018.01} \\[-\baselineskip]
\smaller{Developing and implementing methods for inferring \\
causal networks from time-series, analysis of customer feedback data, mathematical optimisation, machine learning.}
\textsc{Research intern} at \textit{Snozzberry Farms (Italy).} \dates{2015.04--2015.07} \\
\smaller{Dashboard creation with BI tools, analysis of competitor strategies.}
\textsc{Researcher} at \textit{Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight Inc.\ (Guadeloupe).} \dates{2013.09--2015.01} \\
\smaller{Econometric modelling, market data analysis, translation.}
\textsc{Intern in logistics management} at \textit{Candy Confections (Egypt).} \\
\smaller{Data management with Microsoft Excel.} \dates{2012.04--2012.12}
\textsc{Editor} at \textit{BEANS Publishing LLC (Japan).} \dates{2009.03--2011.10} \\
\smaller{Editorial work on dentistry literature, proofreading.}
\textsc{Master in Economics.} Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis. \textit{University of Sweets and Treats}. \dates{2013--2015} \\
\smaller{Thesis title: \textit{The Effect of Beverage Sugar Content on Their Shelf Life.}} \\
\smaller{Econometric analysis, survival analysis, panel and time-series models.}
\textsc{Bachelor of Science in Biology.} Faculty of Experimental Confectionery. \textit{Bolzmann State Technical University}. \dates{2006--2010} \\
\smaller{Mathematical modelling, numerical methods, mathematical optimisation.}
\headright{Additional education}
\textsc{Stanford introduction to food and health.}
\textit{Coursera.} \dates{2021} \\
\smaller{Contemporary trends in eating, cooking workshop, future directions in health.}
\textsc{Topical courses -- Master in Chocolate Sculpting.}
\textit{University of Cocoa.} \dates{2015--2017} \\
\smaller{Data science, statistics and probability, food science, agricultural science, optimal stopping theory, cultural studies in food.}
\textit{Music:} imitating birds on the banjo, composing and decomposing (morally).
\textit{Poetry:} inventing rhymes, surreal art.
\textit{Miscellaneous:} zoology, mycology, trainspotting, 1930s horror films.