Lund University - Economic History Master Thesis Template
Juan Camilo Medina
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial template

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Unofficial template
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Version: 1.0
% Last Mod: 20170307
% By: Juan Medina juancamilomedina1989@gmail.com
% Author: Juan Medina juancamilomedina1989@gmail.com
%-------------------------------------------- PREAMBLE --------------------------------------------%
\usepackage[round, numbers,authoryear]{natbib}
% Lund colors
\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = mycolor,
urlcolor = mycolor,
citecolor = mycolor,
anchorcolor = mycolor]{hyperref}
\renewcommand{\figureautorefname}{figure} % lower case default ref
\renewcommand{\tableautorefname}{table} % lower case default ref
\newcommand{\mcite}[1]{\textcolor{mycolor}{\citeauthor{#1} (\citeyear{#1})}}
\newcommand{\hcite}[1]{(\textcolor{mycolor}{\citeauthor{#1}, \citeyear{#1}})}
%--------------------------------------------- DOCUMENT ---------------------------------------------%
% Title page
% Optional Chapters
\textcolor{red}{It is usual, but not compulsory, to thank those who have been of particular help to you in completing the thesis.}
% Table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables
% Introduction
% Theory
% Data
% Methods
% Empirical Analysis
\chapter{Empirical Analysis}
% Conclusion
% Bibliography
\textcolor{red}{Refer to \href{http://libguides.lub.lu.se/plagiarism}{LUSEM’s Harvard referencing guidelines} in the Teaching and Learning platform. \url{Lusem.lu.se/asks}}
% The template provides \hcite and \mcite commands to present hyperlinked references in the
% Harvard referencing style '(Author, Year)' and 'Author (Year)'
% The template has an automated bibliography section based on references
% consistent with entries in the 'bibliography.bib' file
% Appendices
\chapter{(Appendix A title)}
\chapter{(Appendix B title)}