Libre CV
Samuel Boïté
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A sleek and minimalist two-column resume template. Freely inspired by Freeman CV.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
A sleek and minimalist two-column resume template. Freely inspired by Freeman CV.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\hypersetup{colorlinks, urlcolor=black, linkcolor=black}
% Geometry
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% Style
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% Name & headline
\heading{John Doe}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \\ consectetur adipiscing elit.}
% Identity card
\footnotesize\faPhone & +33 1 23 45 67 89 \\
\footnotesize\faEnvelope & \href{}{} \\
\footnotesize\faLinkedin & \href{}{} \\
\entry{Second University}{Degree, Major}{City, Country}{2022 -- 2024}
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
\item Pellentesque sit amet mauris malesuada, mattis odio nec.
\item Praesent lobortis ac urna a tristique.
\entry{First University}{Degree, Major}{City, Country}{2019 -- 2022}
\tableentry{\footnotesize\faCode}{Python \textperiodcentered{} C/C++ \textperiodcentered{} Arduino}{}
\tableentry{}{TensorFlow \textperiodcentered{} Git \textperiodcentered{} Linux}{}
\tableentry{\footnotesize\faLanguage}{English \textperiodcentered{} proficient}{}
\tableentry{}{French \textperiodcentered{} native}{}
\tableentry{}{Spanish \textperiodcentered{} advanced}{}
\tableentry{}{Arabic \textperiodcentered{} beginner}{}
\entry{Third Company}{Third Role}{City, Country}{2023 (3 months)}
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
\item Pellentesque sit amet mauris malesuada, mattis odio nec.
\item Praesent lobortis ac urna a tristique.
\entry{Second Company}{Second Role}{City, Country}{2022 -- 2023}
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
\item Pellentesque sit amet mauris malesuada, mattis odio nec.
\item Praesent lobortis ac urna a tristique.
\entry{First Company}{First Role}{City, Country}{2021 -- 2022}
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
\item Pellentesque sit amet mauris malesuada, mattis odio nec.
\item Praesent lobortis ac urna a tristique.
\section{other interests}
\tableentry{domain}{First Passion}{}
\tableentry{}{Second Passion}{spaceafter}
\tableentry{domain}{First Passion}{}
\tableentry{}{Second Passion}{spaceafter}
\tableentry{2018}{\textbf{Top-ranked team}}{}
\tableentry{}{Some Contest}{spaceafter}
\tableentry{2016}{\textbf{Bronze Medal}}{}
\tableentry{}{Some Contest}{spaceafter}