LGO Thesis Template
Felipe Quintella
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A slight modification of the MIT Thesis Template targeted to LGO fellows.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% -*- Mode:TeX -*-
%% IMPORTANT: The official thesis specifications are available at:
%% http://libraries.mit.edu/archives/thesis-specs/
%% Please verify your thesis' formatting and copyright
%% assignment before submission. If you notice any
%% discrepancies between these templates and the
%% MIT Libraries' specs, please let us know
%% by e-mailing thesis@mit.edu
%% The documentclass options along with the pagestyle can be used to generate
%% a technical report, a draft copy, or a regular thesis. You may need to
%% re-specify the pagestyle after you \include cover.tex. For more
%% information, see the first few lines of mitthesis.cls.
%% If you want your thesis copyright to you instead of MIT, use the
%% ``vi'' option, as above.
%% If you want blank pages before new chapters to be labelled ``This
%% Page Intentionally Left Blank'', use the ``leftblank'' option, as
%% above.
%% These have been added at the request of the MIT Libraries, because
%% some PDF conversions mess up the ligatures. -LB, 1/22/2014
%% Custom packages
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} %to include list of figures and list of tables in the TOC
\usepackage{hyperref} %to include hyperlinks
\usepackage{paralist} %to create inline lists
\usepackage{subcaption} %to create subfigures
\usepackage[final]{microtype} %for better typography - specially overfull boxes in bibliography
%\usepackage{indentfirst} %if you want the first paragraph after a new section to be indented as well
%% Better bibliography package
block=space % allow additional horizontal space between blocks
]{biblatex} %better bibliography
% PGFPlots used to create easy and beautiful plots
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable} %to make plots
%% Tikz is a package to create drawings and diagrams
%% add glossaries section
%% Custom formatting
% Set bullet type to dash
% \renewcommand\labelitemi{--}
%% This bit allows you to either specify only the files which you wish to
%% process, or `all' to process all files which you \include.
%% Krishna Sethuraman (1990).
%\typein [\all]{}
%\ifx\files\all \typeout{Including all files.} \else \typeout{Including only \files.} \includeonly{\files} \fi
% Some departments (e.g. 5) require an additional signature page. See
% signature.tex for more information and uncomment the following line if
% applicable.
% \include{signature}