% This template has three things to change: the lines of text at the top, the bodycontent and the text in the right coloumn
% IMPORTANT! In order for the document to compile, one needs to use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX as compiler. This can be done in Overleaf by Menu -> Settings -> Compiler -> Choose XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX
\newgeometry{top=0.7in, bottom=0.7in, left=0.8in, right=0.8in}
\fontsize{11}{11}\selectfont UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN\\
\setcolumnwidth{4in, 1.07in}
\begin{tcolorbox}[blanker, breakable, width=\linewidth]
% Here can one change the text to the left of the logo
Line 1 \\
Line 2 \\
Line 3 \\
Line 4
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\begin{tcolorbox}[blanker, breakable, width=\linewidth]
% Here can one change the content of the body (text in the left coloumn)
\textbf{Some title}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In consectetur faucibus nulla, eu egestas libero fringilla eget. Mauris sollicitudin velit quis magna malesuada sagittis. Fusce ut metus imperdiet, cursus nunc sit amet, gravida orci. Morbi lacinia, velit nec venenatis maximus, enim tortor semper odio, eget volutpat leo dui ut sem. Nullam tincidunt tellus vel sem sollicitudin, vestibulum iaculis sem dictum. Morbi turpis dui, iaculis id augue quis, imperdiet ultricies metus. Nullam eget ante sed nulla placerat efficitur. Nullam vestibulum, nisi vulputate mattis auctor, neque magna ornare justo, sit amet ultrices libero enim eget erat. Nullam sit amet arcu ac arcu eleifend cursus a non sapien. Sed in nibh quam. Donec fringilla sit amet nibh sed aliquam. Etiam ut semper libero. Integer pellentesque augue quis ante auctor laoreet.
Fusce lorem ipsum, venenatis porttitor dui at, dapibus varius tortor. Nam in tempor odio, at feugiat nunc. Curabitur ut tellus at sem ornare interdum quis quis odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin malesuada ex vitae metus posuere feugiat. Nam vitae efficitur orci. Donec eu purus sed orci pharetra accumsan et sed nunc. Nunc nec diam lacus.
Employment title
\begin{tcolorbox}[blanker, breakable, width=\linewidth]
% Her ændres teksten i højre kolonne
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Address 1 \\
Address 2
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mail@mail.com \\
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