LaTeX English Template for "Studies in Logic"
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LaTeX English Template for "Studies in Logic"

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LaTeX English Template for "Studies in Logic"
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
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%% LaTeX English Template for "Studies in Logic" %%
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%% Ver 1.31 %%
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%% You can modify it and distribute it freely 2014.06.04 %%
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% Copy it to a new file with a new name and save it with SLEN.sty
% in the same folder. Use it as the basis for your article.
% Delete % signs as needed.
% Use XeLaTex to compile.
% Please use BibTex to compile conference.
% Part 1: For editors only
% Authors just ignore it and proceed to Part 2.
% 1.1 设定纸张大小、正文字体大小
\usepackage{SLEN} % 加载版面格式
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
% 1.2 填入卷期号、出版年月
\newcommand{\myvolnumber}{x} % 输入卷号
\newcommand{\myissnumber}{x} % 输入当年期号
\newcommand{\mypubyear}{xxxx} % 输入出版年份
% 1.3 填入起止页码、页数
\newcommand{\myfirstpage}{1} % 输入起始页码
\newcommand{\mylastpage}{10} % 输入终止页码
\newcommand{\mypages}{10} % 输入页数
% 1.4 填入收稿日期、修改稿日期
\newcommand{\receiveddate}{xxxx-xx-xx} % 输入收稿日期
\newcommand{\revisiondate}{null} % 预置修改稿日期为空,勿改此行
%\renewcommand{\revisiondate}{xxxx-xx-xx} % 输入修改稿日期(若有),并取消该行注释
% 1.5 填入作者、单位中译名
\newcommand{\mysecondauthorCN}{null} % Default for second author. Do not change it!
\newcommand{\mythirdauthorCN}{null} % Default for third author. Do not change it!
\newcommand{\myfirstauthorCN} % Insert the first author name.
\newcommand{\myfirstaffiliationCN} % Insert the First author's affiliation, with \\\small seperating multiple affiliations
{\small 单位一
\\\small 另一单位}
%\renewcommand{\mysecondauthorCN}{Second Author} % Insert the second author if any
\newcommand{\mysecondaffiliationCN} % Insert the second author's affiliation, with \\\small separating multiple affiliations
{\small 单位二}
%\renewcommand{\mythirdauthorCN}{Third Author} % Insert the third author if any
\newcommand{\mythirdaffiliationCN} % Insert the third author's affiliation, with \\\small separating multiple affiliations
{\small 单位三}
%\renewcommand{\myfourthauthorCN}{Fourth Author}
\newcommand{\myfourthaffiliationCN}{\small 单位四}
%\renewcommand{\myfifthauthorCN}{Fifth Author}
\newcommand{\myfifthaffiliationCN}{\small 单位五}
% 1.6 填入中文标题和摘要(默认为空)
\newcommand{\mytitleCN} % Insert Chinese title
\newcommand{\myabstractCN} % Insert Chinese abstract
% 1.7 填入文章类型
% (original, bookreview, conferencereport)默认为original
\newcommand{\reviewbooktitle} % 若文章为书评,请输入所评书的出版信息
{The information of the book reviewed by the author}
\newcommand{\reviewbooktitleEN}{null} % 预置所评书的中译版为空
%\renewcommand{\reviewbooktitleEN}{中译版信息} % 若书有中译版,请输入中译版信息并取消该行注释
% 1.8 缺省设置
\newcommand{\mysecondauthor}{null} % Default for second author. Do not change it!
\newcommand{\mythirdauthor}{null} % Default for third author. Do not change it!
% Part 2: For Authors (You start from here)
% 2.1 Insert title, author(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es)
\newcommand{\mytitle} % Insert the title of your paper.
{Insert Your Title Here}
\newcommand{\myrunningtitle} % Insert the title for displaying on the header in case your title is too long
{Insert Your Title for the Header}
\newcommand{\myfirstauthor} % Insert the first author name.
{First Author}
\newcommand{\myfirstaffiliation}{ % Insert the First author's affiliation
\small{\it Department 1, University 1} \\
\small{\it another affiliation}
\newcommand{\myfirstemail} % Insert the second author's email address
{\small xxxx@xxxx.xxx}
%\renewcommand{\mysecondauthor}{Second Author} % Insert the second author if any
\newcommand{\mysecondaffiliation}{ % Insert the second author's affiliation
\small{\it Department 2, University 2} \\
\small{\it another affiliation}
\newcommand{\mysecondemail} % Insert the second author's email address
{\small xxxx@xxxx.xxx}
%\renewcommand{\mythirdauthor}{Third Author} % Insert the third author if any
\newcommand{\mythirdaffiliation}{ % Insert the third author's affiliation
\small{\it Department 3, University 3} \\
\small{\it another affiliation}
\newcommand{\mythirdemail} % Insert the third author's email address
{\small xxxx@xxxx.xxx}
%\renewcommand{\myfourthauthor}{Fourth Author}
\small{\it Department 4, University 4}
{\small xxxx@xxxx.xxx}
%\renewcommand{\myfifthauthor}{Fifth Author}
\small{\it Department 5, University 5}
{\small xxxx@xxxx.xxx}
% 2.2 Insert grants, acknowledgements, or other notes if needed
\newcommand{\mythanks}{null} % Insert grants, acknowledgements, or other notes if needed
% 2.3 Insert abstract
{Insert your abstract here.}
% 2.4 Insert the packages your document requires and
% place your own definitions if needed
\usepackage[pdfborder=0, CJKbookmarks=true]{hyperref} % 使用内部超链接,其中第二个选项用于支持中文书签
\addbibresource{xiaoping_chen.bib} %insert the xxx.bib here
% 2.5 Just ignore this part
\hspace{-1.5em}\emph{Received} \receiveddate}{%
\hspace{-1.5em}\emph{Received} \receiveddate \quad
\emph{Revision Received} \revisiondate}
% 2.6 Body text
\section{A New Section}
This is a lemma.
This is a theorem.
% 2.7 References
% 2.8 Output author information of non-origional articles (Just ignore it)
\noindent\myfirstauthor\\ % 第一作者
{\myfirstaffiliation}\\ % 第一作者单位
{\myfirstemail} % 第一作者email
% \vspace*{1ex}
% {\mysecondauthor}\\ % 第二作者
%{ \mysecondaffiliation}\\ % 第二作者单位
% {\mysecondemail } % 第二作者email
% \vspace*{1ex}
% \mythirdauthor\\ % 第三作者
% \mythirdaffiliation\\ % 第三作者单位
% \mythirdemail % 第三作者email
% 2.9 Output Chinese abstract if needed (Just ignore it)