Lane's Test Template
Lane Tait
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for instructors to create exams for Mathematics/Statistics classes.

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\documentclass[addpoints, answers]{exam}
%This is where you'll edit your class information for each test
\newcommand{\class}{\textbf{Math 1050}}
\newcommand{\examnum}{\textbf{Exam \#1}}
\newcommand{\name}{\hfill \textbf{Student Name (print)}: \underline{\hspace{3in}}}
%This is where you can print out your solutions
% This is where you change the header of the first page and the running header
\runningheader{\class\ - \examnum}{Page \thepage\ of \numpages}{}
\runningfooter{Page \thepage\ of \numpages}{}{\hfill{\large{\textbf{Points earned: \makebox[.5in]{\hrulefill} out of \pointsonpage{\thepage} points}}}}
%This is brief summary of the contents of the exam
This exam contains \numpages\ pages (including this cover page) and \numquestions\ questions. The total number of possible points is \numpoints. Enter your answers in the space provided. Write your final answer on the "Solution'' line for each problem, where appropriate. Otherwise, draw a box around your final answer. Complete your solutions to the ``show your work" problems on the page indicated.
% These are the instructions for the class
\item \textbf{Organize your work}, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in
the space provided. Work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering will receive very little credit.
\item \textbf{Mysterious or unsupported answers will not receive full
credit}. A correct answer, unsupported by calculations, explanation,
or algebraic work will receive no credit; an incorrect answer supported
by substantially correct calculations and explanations may still receive
partial credit.
\item \textbf{Provide exact answers }unless otherwise instructed.
\item \textbf{Simplify all answers as much as possible.} This means that you need to need to combine like terms, reduce fractions, etc. (You do not need to rationalize denominators.)
\item \textbf{Be sure to state units for applied problems.}
\item {\bf Clearly identify your answer for each problem.}
Do not write in the table to the right.
\question [4] Let $f(x)$ be the following expression, $f(x)=48x+14$. Determine if $f(x)$ is an element of the set of polynomials.\bigskip \\YES \hspace{.5in} NO\\\\
If you circled "YES," write a paragraph indicating why $f(x)$ is an element of the set of polynomials. If you circled "NO," write a paragraph indicating why $f(x)$ is not an element of the set of polynomials.
Max Score is 4 points with:\\
+1 for circling "YES" and explaining why $f(x)=48x+14$ is an element of the set of polynomials.\\
+3 for including a one-paragraph explanation that does not include anything extraneous or erroneous.
\question[2] Find the zeros of $f(x)=x^3-x$, then construct a rough graph of $f(x)$.
Max Points is 2 points with:\\ +1 for identifying the zeros.\\+1 for drawing a rough sketch including the two zeros found.
\question[2] Find the zeros of $g(x)=x^2-16$ and then construct a rough graph of $g(x)$.
Max Points is 2 points with:\\+1 for identifying the zeros of $g(x)$.\\+1 for drawing a rough sketch including the two zeros found.
\question[3] What is $5 \cdot 3$?\\
\choice 8 \hspace{.25in}
\choice 15\hspace{.25in}
\choice 2\hspace{.25in}
\choice none of the above
Max Points is 3 points:\\ +3 for choosing Choice B.
\question[4] What is $\displaystyle \frac{\partial z}{\partial t} $ and $\displaystyle \frac{\partial z}{\partial s}$ for the equation $z=t \cdot s$.
\choice $t$
\choice $s$
\choice $z$
\choice I don't know
Max Points is 4 points:\\ +2 for checking choice 1\\ +2 for checking choice 2