\documentclass[t, 10pt, handout, aspectratio=169]{beamer}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\usetheme[color=blue,framenumber,totalframenumber, footline, footertext]{KU}
\title[Khalifa University \texttt{beamer} theme]{Some slides with a Khalifa University \texttt{beamer} theme}
\subtitle{This is a dummy subtitle}
\author[A.Sleptchenko]{Andrei Sleptchenko}
\institute[KU]{Khalifa University}
\footertext{\copyright The author} %A.Sleptchenko \quad andrei.sleptchenko@ku.ac.ae \quad Industrial \& System Engineering}
\date[10/07/2018]{10 July 2018}
% \titlepage
\section{My section}
\subsection{My subsection}
\frametitle{A first test frame}
\begin{frame}{A test frame}{with a subtitle}
\frametitle{Test frame with overflow}
\frametitle{The is a test frame with a pretty long frame title}
\subsection{My subsection 2}
\frametitle{Test frame with itemize}
\item<1-> firstly
\item<2-> secondly
\item sub-item
\item another sub-item
\item<3-> thirdly
\frametitle{A math frame}
The square of the hypotenuse of a \alert{right} triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides:
a^2 + b^2 = c^2.
\begin{frame}{A math frame}{with plotting of math functions}
\begin{definition}[Weibull Random Variable]
A random variable is said to be \alert{Weibull distributed} with parameters $\delta,\beta$ and $\theta >0$, if its probability density function is given by: \vskip-0.5em
$$f(t)=\frac{\beta}{\theta} \left ( \frac{t-\delta}{\theta}\right)^{\beta-1} e^{-\left ( \frac{t-\delta}{\theta}\right)^{\beta}}, \quad t \ge 0 $$
The parameters are called: \\ \small
\qquad $\theta$ -- the scale parameter, $\beta$ -- the shape parameter, $\delta$ -- the location parameter.
declare function={weibullpdf(\x,\delta,\beta,\theta) = (( \x - \delta )/\theta)^(\beta-1) * exp( -((\x - \delta )/\theta)^\beta) *\beta /\theta ;}
\begin{axis}[clip=false, scale = 0.9, font=\scriptsize,
y post scale = 0.35,
axis lines=left,
legend entries={$\delta=0 \ \ \beta=1 \quad \ \theta=1$, $\delta=0 \ \ \beta=1.5 \quad \!\!\theta=1$, $\delta=0 \ \ \beta=5 \quad \ \theta=1$},
xlabel style={at={(axis description cs:0.98,0.05)}, anchor=south},
ylabel style={at={(axis description cs:0.08,0.8)}, anchor=west},
\addplot [smooth, very thick, domain=0:6, kugreen!60!black] {weibullpdf(x,0,1,1)};
\addplot [smooth, very thick, domain=0:6, kured] {weibullpdf(x,0,1.5,1)};
\addplot [smooth, very thick, domain=0:6, kublue] {weibullpdf(x,0, 5,1)};
A \textbf{prime number} (or a prime) is a natural number which has exactly two distinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself.
The first five prime numbers are $2$, $3$, $5$, $7$, and $11$.
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block}
Note that $1$ is not a prime number.
\begin{frame}{Using graphics}{with the help of the TikZ library}
Compute $Var[{X}]$ when $X$ represents the dice-rolling experiment using the definitions above.
\qquad\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=1pt,outer sep=0}, xscale=2.2, scale=0.8]
\draw[thin](0.4, 0) -- (6.6,0);
\draw[thick] (3.5,-0.05) node[below, font=\scriptsize] {3.5} --++(0,1.7);
\foreach \x in {3,4}{
\draw[thin](\x,-0.05) node[below, font=\footnotesize] {\x} --++(0,0.5);
\draw[thin,latex-latex](3.5,0.3) --node[fill=white, font=\scriptsize]{$0.5$} (\x,0.3);
\foreach \x in {2,5}{
\draw[thin](\x,-0.05) node[below, font=\footnotesize] {\x} --++(0,1);
\draw[thin,latex-latex](3.5,0.8) --node[fill=white, font=\scriptsize]{$1.5$} (\x,0.8);
\foreach \x in {1,6}{
\draw[thin](\x,-0.05) node[below, font=\footnotesize] {\x} --++(0,1.5);
\draw[thin,latex-latex](3.5,1.3) --node[fill=white, font=\scriptsize]{$2.5$} (\x,1.3);
Var[{X}] &= E\left [{X-E\left [{X}\right]^2 }\right ] \\
& = \frac{1}{6}2.5^2 + \frac{1}{6}1.5^2 + \frac{1}{6}0.5^2 + \frac{1}{6}0.5^2 + \frac{1}{6}1.5^2 + \frac{1}{6}2.5^2 = 2.916667\\[8pt]
Var[{X}] &= E\left [{X-E\left [{X}\right ]^2}\right ] = E\left [{X^2}\right ]-E\left [{X}\right ]^2\\
& = \frac{1}{6}(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2 + 6^2) - 3.5^2 = 2.916667
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\begin{frame}{Color definitions}
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