KAUST lecture review template
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A lecture review template

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A lecture review template
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% \include{Configurations/ShortCite} %short cite style, comment if numeric cite is wanted
\usepackage[style=custom-numeric-comp]{biblatex} %uncomment if numeric cite is wanted
A Naive Review of whatever\\
\large Lecture Review\\
\small King Abdullah University of Science and Technology\\Division of cool}
\author{Author\\ \texttt{somepeople@kaust.edu.sa}}
% end of preambles
you can write whatever you like here
\item recent developments
\item make a pdf \LaTeX template
\section{Collection of nothing}
\subsection{demo of foot cite}
this is the style you cite a book\ftCite{adams1995hitchhiker}, then you cite an article \ftCite{lookman2019active}. Also you can cite arxiv articles \ftCite{qiang2018materials}, I like this cite!
the original usage of cite is not affected! you can do a normal cite\cite{fernandez2020accelerating}without the footnote feature.