KAU-CS Thesis Template
Andreas Kassler
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis Template for Karlstads Universitet Computer Science

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Thesis Template for Karlstads Universitet Computer Science
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[12pt, openany]{book}
% This is all the packages and settings and so on.
% It is using custom fonts that needs to be installed on the computer. If they are not present, they have to be added manually.
% Defining files for bibliography
% Add a second bibliography file for the second author to allow
% both to update it through the mendeley integration.
% \addbibresource{ref-author-2.bib}
% Defining document information
\title{The best scheduler in the world implemented in P4}
\newcommand{\subtitle}{or how to make kick-ass software}
\newcommand{\svtitle}{swedish title if needed}
\newcommand{\svsubtitle}{swedish subtitle if needed, max one line}
\newcommand{\examiner}{Prof. Dr. Examiner, University of Karlstad, Karlstad, SWE <email@domain.com>}
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Prof. Dr. Handledare, University of Karlstad, Karlstad, SWE <email@domain.com>}
\newcommand{\mydefensedate}{June 19th, 2020 \textcolor{red}{(adjust date to match final version)}}
\author{Author Name <email@domain.com>}
% The front page of the document
% \include{content}
\textbf{If you are using mendeley to manage references, you might have to export them manually in the end as the automatic ways removes the "date accessed" field}