Joshua Taylor Eppinette's Resume
Joshua Taylor Eppinette
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Joshua Taylor Eppinette's Resume https://jteppinette.com

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Joshua Taylor Eppinette's Resume https://jteppinette.com
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Medium Length Graduate Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (9/12/12)
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% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (http://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/training/latex/resumes/)
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\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large\bf Joshua Taylor Eppinette} % Your name at the top
\moveleft\hoffset\vbox{\hrule width\resumewidth height 1pt}\smallskip % Horizontal line after name; adjust line thickness by changing the '1pt'
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{1777 Chestnut Pl Unit NT-2006} % Your address
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{Denver, CO 80202}
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{(770) 401-6678}
{\sl \textbf{Programming Languages:}} Golang, Python, JavaScript, Java, Lua. \\
{\sl \textbf{Operations Technologies:}} Docker, Terraform, Jenkins, Ansible, Vagrant, Vault, Consul, Kafka, Redis, OpenSMTPD, Cgit. \\
{\sl \textbf{Web Backend Technologies:}} ModSecurity, Nginx, Gunicorn, Django, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL. \\
{\sl \textbf{Third Party Integrations:}} S3, MailChimp, MailGun, Okta (SSO), PingFederate (SSO), Facebook, OpenLDAP (LDAP), FreeIPA (LDAP), OpenDirectory (LDAP) \\
{\sl \textbf{Web Frontend Technologies:}} VueJS, AngularJS, Leaflet, Bootstrap, SASS, C3, D3. \\
{\sl \textbf{Cloud Providers:}} Digital Ocean IaaS, GCE IaaS, Heroku PaaS, Internal Enterprise Cloud. \\
{\sl \textbf{Operating Systems:}} MacOS, Windows 10, GNU/Linux (Debian / CentOS), OpenBSD, AIX, Solaris, Teradata/HANA (Appliances). \\
{\sl \textbf{Embedded Engineering:}} JavaFX, Raspberry Pi, SQLite, ObjectDB, Arduino. \\
{\sl Senior Software Engineer - Development Lead \& Product Owner - Infrastructure Services Systems Security \& Compliance} \hfill April 2018 - Present \\
Apple Inc, Denver, CO
\item Act as architect, development lead, and product owner of an agent and service which monitors and remediates security and compliance issues in our global compute fleet. The agent is deployed on 100k+ systems across many different operating systems and architectures. The service processes billions of results and affords compliance officers, auditors, and application teams the ability to analyze, export, and remediate any issues in their fleet. (Python 2.5-3.8, Django 2, PostgreSQL 12, Splunk, Redis)
\item Act as architect, development lead, and product owner of a service which reaccredits, remediates, and validates user/asset/group memberships to maintain compliance requirements. The system tracks the memberships of 100k+ users to thousands of resources integrating with multiple LDAP, AD, NOD, OD systems. (Python 3.8, Django 2, PostreSQL 12, Redis)
\item Create software engineering and operations best practices across teams including deployment and local development environment automation. (Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Jenkins, Shell, GitHub)
\item Perform sales, demo, and support tasks associated with products listed above.
{\sl Senior Software Engineer - Global Compute Security} \hfill October 2017 - April 2018 \\
Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA
\item Developed new DevOps technologies to improve the development and deployment pipeline of our global load balancing technology. These improvements allowed our team to develop the technology with the assurance that it would be successful in a global deployment.
\item Developed new tools to perform idempotent modifications to our global load balancing technology. These changes allows our operations teams to more quickly respond to customer needs.
\item Utilized Lua to write various plugins and web application firewall rules to improve the security of our global footprint.
\item Implemented various software development lifecycle patterns to decrease development times and improve the speed at which software was deployed to production across many teams.
{\sl Software Engineer} \hfill June 2015 - October 2017 \\
Ionic Security Inc, Atlanta, GA
\item Developed and designed a large AngularJS web application.
\item Implemented and maintained multiple enterprise API authentication strategies in Golang and AngularJS.
\item Leveraged Golang's compiled nature to simplify deployments and decrease ops issues.
\item Developed and maintained the development environment used by front end software engineers.
\item Developed a distributed authentication and routing system for a SOA using Golang, Nginx, and Lua.
\item Integrated the Jenkins Continuous Integration(CI) systems into the existing deployment processes.
\item Implemented web application security standards defined by OWASP.
{\sl Software Engineer} \hfill August 2013 - June 2015 \\
Georgia Tech Research Institute, Electronic Systems Laboratory, Atlanta, GA
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt % Reduce space between items
\item Designed and developed Django/AngularJS software systems for the Department of Defense, Army, and Navy.
\item Presented software demos to Department of Defense derived clients.
{\sl Consultant, Owner} \hfill May 2014 - Present\\
JTE Technologies, Atlanta, GA
\item Designed and developed large Django/AngularJS and Golang/AngularJS software systems.
\item Setup continuous deployments for multiple projects of varying technologies through GitLab CI and Docker Swarm.
\item Provisioned and maintained multiple Docker Swarm clusters using Ansible and Terraform.