\usepackage[papersize={100mm, 148mm}, margin=0mm]{geometry}
\sendername{山田 太郎}
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{山田 花子}{様}
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%%% For smaller letters use \scriptsize instead, for example. %%%
我々はそれを解決す方法として組版ソフト\LaTeX を利用する方法を示す。
In this paper, we describe how to make a letter to hello new year.
For conventional softwares that makes those letter,
it's difficult to write mathmatical expressions or
programming source code.
We show how we solve that problem with \LaTeX.
%%% If you want to remove the space between the abstract and the body paragraph, adjust by \vspace*. %%%
%%% If you prefer a smaller font size for Introduction, add \normalsize before Introduction. %%%
%%% For smaller letters in the body, uncomment \scriptsize here for example. %%%
%%% You may adjust the space between the header and the paragraph by %%%
\left|\braket{+}{\varphi_{0 \oplus b, 0 \oplus b}}\right|^2 &= \left\{
\left|\braket{+}{\alpha\ket{0} + \beta\ket{1}}\right|^2 = \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\alpha + \beta)\right|^2 \\
\left|\braket{+}{\beta\ket{0} + \alpha\ket{1}}\right|^2 = \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\beta + \alpha)\right|^2
\right\} \\
&= \frac{(\alpha + \beta)^2}{2}
この文章ではこのような複雑な数式を埋め込むために\LaTeX を
\tiny This letter was generated by \LaTeX.
%%% If you'd like to add the bibliography, you can write as always. To adjust the space between the body and the references, add %%%
%%% If you want to lessen spaces between each reference, adjust the space by vspace in the code below. %%%
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% \endlist
%%% To adjust the font size of the title References, uncomment the following and change the value 9pt as you want. Here BibTeX is used but you may alternatively add references directly as always. %%%