Template for homework in course IV054 Coding, Cryptography and Cryptographic protocols at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
\newcommand{\myname}{Crypto Coder} %Write your name in here
\newcommand{\myUCO}{123456} %write your UCO in here
\newcommand{\myhwnum}{1} %Homework set number
\newcommand{\myclass}{IV054 2019}
% Prefix for numedquestion's
% Use this if your "written" questions are all under one section
% For example, if the homework handout has Section 5: Written Questions
% and all questions are 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, etc. set this to 5
% Use for 0 no prefix. Redefine as needed per-question.
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amsthm, amssymb} % Some math symbols
\setlength{\parskip}{5pt plus 1pt}
\noindent{\bf #1}%
\vspace{0.3em} \hrule \vspace{.1in}%
\noindent{\bf \questiontype \; \arabic{questionCounter}. }%
\noindent{\bf \questiontype \; \arabic{questionCounter}. }%
\noindent{\bf \questiontype \; \writtensection.\arabic{questionCounter} }%
\vspace{0.3em} \hrule \vspace{.1in}%
\header{\textbf{\myclass\ \mylecture\mysection}}%
{\textbf{\myname\ (\myUCO)}}%
{\textbf{\myhwtype\ \myhwnum}}
{\Large \myclass{} \myhwtype{} \myhwnum} \\
\myname{} (\myUCO{}) \\
%Here you can enter answers to homework questions
This is my answer to the first question.
Don't forget to fill in your personal and class information at the top!
This question's number will be auto-incremented.
% if you do not solve some of the questions use this command to increment counter
Questions 2 and 3 were not solved, this is an answer to question 5.
% if questions have subparts, use this command
Use the alphaparts environment to for letters.
\item Part a
\item Part b
\item Part c
You can still do things like nesting lists inside of these environments.
\item part a
\item making point number 1
\item making point number 2
\item making point number 3
\item part b
\item part c
Using the \texttt{description} environment is a great way to typeset induction proofs!
\item[Base Case:]
Here I have my base case.
\item[Induction Hypothesis:]
Assume things to make proof work.
\item[Induction Step:]
Prove all the things.
Therefore, we have proven the claim by induction on in the \texttt{description} environment.