ITU Copenhagen Thesis Template
David Christiansen
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Cloned https://github.com/david-christiansen/itu-thesis 4 Jan 2022

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\settitle{Towards a PhD for Fun and Profit}
\setauthor{Nestor Makhno}
\setsupervisor{Mikhail Bakunin}
\setextrasupervisor{Emma Goldman}
\setdate{December 1917}
% Uncomment the following to set the default language of the document to Danish. This affects hyphenation as well as headers and the like.
This is an English abstract. English is the default language of this document.
Dette er et resumé på dansk, som er det alternative sprog i dokumentet.
%from memoir documentation:
%TeX tries very hard to keep text lines justified while keeping the interword spacing as constant as possible, but sometimes fails and complains about an overfull hbox.
%The default mode for LaTeX typesetting is \fussy where the (variation of) interword spacing in justified text is kept to a minimum. Following the \sloppy declaration there may be a much looser setting of justified text.
%Additionally the class provides the \midsloppy declaration which allows a setting somewhere between \fussy and \sloppy.
%fewer overfull lines than \fussy, and fewer obvious large interword spacing than with \sloppy.
%the memoir manual also uses \midsloppy!
% try harder to avoid widows and orphans
Introductionary material
\originally{History of the Makhnovist Movement; 1923}
\joint{Peter Arshinov}
\chapter{Something in Between}
Somewhere at sometime...
\section{A Section}
\subsection{A Subsection}
Some text.
\subsubsection{A subsubsection}
More text here.
Here's some verbatim text:
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect 0 a
(::) : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (1 + n) a
\joint{Emma Goldman}
\chapter{At the Same Time Somewhere Else}
... happened something else
Here's some mathematics:
\Gamma, x:\tau_1\;\vdash\; e \;:\; \tau_2
\Gamma\;\vdash\;\lambda x : \tau_1 . e \;:\; \tau_1\to\tau_2}
\originally{My autobiography; 1934}