iTi 2014 Turbulence Conference Abstract
Alex Liberzon
11 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A LaTeX template for iTi 2014 Turbulence Conference abstracts.

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%\title{iTi 2014 Turbulence Conference abstract}
% Packages %
% \usepackage[dvips]{epsfig}
% Page Settings %
\pagestyle{empty} \geometry{left=2.5cm, right=3cm, nohead, nofoot,
top=2.5cm, bottom=1.5cm}
% %
% Header %
% Abstract template for the %
% iti Conference on Turbulence 2014 %
% October 21-24, 2014 %
% Bertinoro, Italy %
{\LARGE\bf Title}
\underline{Corresponding author} $^{1}$,
B. Author $^{2}$ and C. Author $^{3}$\\
% Authors %
$^{1}$ Department, University/Company, City, Country\\
$^{2}$ Department, University/Company, City, Country\\
$^{3}$ Department, University/Company, City, Country}\\
% Please specify two key-words e.g.:
key-words: {Fundamentals, Simulation}\\
% Text %
{\bf Abstract:}\\
To obtain a standardized layout, we ask all authors to use the
given LaTex- or Word style file and to take notice of the
following instructions. The text should be written in English and
must not exceed one page. A second page is only allowed for figures.
Please, submit the PDF file of your abstract by using the provided form
on the conference homepage
Deadline for submission of abstracts is April 20, 2014 .\\
These are links to equation \ref{eq_label} and to figure \ref{fig_label_for_the_figure}.\\
This is a link to reference \cite{Code_2}.\\
% One Figure %
\caption{\emph{Caption for the figure}\label{fig_label_for_the_figure}}
% Two Figures %
\caption{\emph{Caption for the figure on the left side}\label{fig_label_for_the_left_figure}}
\caption{\emph{Caption for the figure on the right side}\label{fig_label_for_the_right_figure}}
% Explanation %
% "{.49\linewidth}" the fraction of the paperwidth used for the left and right figure
% "\hspace{.01\linewidth}" the fraction of the paperwidth used for the interspace between the
% two figures
% Hint: Instead of figures you can use the minipage also for equations or text.
% Equation %
d&=e+f \nonumber
\intertext{Text between equations}
% Explanation %
% "&" used for alignment for the different equations
% "\\" used for linebreak
% "\nonumber" used to cancel the numbering of this equation
% "\intertext" used to place text between equations. The advantage is that you can
% align equations with text in between
\subsection*{Full paper submission:}
For the full paper submission the SVMult Class should be used, available on \\
% Example for the citation of articles:
Author1 A., Author2 B., Author3 C. and Author4 D., (Year),
\newblock Title, \emph{Journal, vol. ..., pp. ...-....}\\
% Example for the citation of books:
Author1 A., Author2 B., Author3 C. and Author4 D., (Year):
\newblock \emph{Title}, Publisher
% % Example for the citation of papers in proceeding volumes:
Author1 A., Author2 B., Author3 C. and Author4 D., (Year):
\newblock Title, \emph{Proceedings}, City, pp. ...-...