Templates for writing a thesis (Bachelor's, Master's or study paper) at ISW (Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units), University of Stuttgart.
\documentclass[ a4paper,
%\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel} % If the thesis is in English
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel} % If the thesis is in German
% This class does the ISW styling for you (together with scrbook).
% It handles the following:
% - Proper input and font encoding (Just type, don't care about the LaTeX compiler you use or how to type German umlauts)
% - Fonts with ligatures and kerning (Tex Gyre fonts are used, part of every LaTeX installation, text is nice to read)
% - Bibliography styling for biblatex (declare your bibliography file and you are ready to go)
% - Provide command for title page (\makeISWtitle) and declaration of originality ( \declarationOfOriginality)
% - Loads packages "biblatex" and "graphics"
type=FA, % BA, MA, FA, SA (old), bachelorproject
%Path to .bib-File(s) for BibLatex
% \addbibresource{someOtherBibFile}
\author{Max Mustermann}
\address{Seidenstraße 36, 70174 Stuttgart}
\title{How to train a hamster}
\titleTranslated{Wie man einen Hamster trainiert}
\supervisor{My supervisor, M.Sc.}
\professor{Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Riedel}
\setcounter{page}{1} % start at page (i) after title page
% Kurzfassung/Abstract
% ********************************************************************
% Write your own contents here:
% ********************************************************************
% ********************************************************************
% End of contents
% ********************************************************************
% Acronyms
% Appendix, if needed: