Isogloss template
Roberta D'Alessandro
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the template in use at Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics

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This is the template in use at Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Standard diacritics in Romance languages (accents, umlauts)
\usepackage{times} %Uses Times New Roman font
\usepackage[labelfont=bf, labelsep=period, font=small, justification=RaggedRight, format = plain, margin = 0pt]{caption}
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\usepackage[style=authoryear-icomp,natbib=true,sortcites=true]{biblatex}% natbib=true so we can use natbib commands with biblatex
% Also: authoryear-icomp is used so that when you cite the same author with different years, you get "according to Herberger (2002, 2004)" rather than "according to Herberger (2002), Herberger (2004)"
\fancyhead[LE]{\thepage \hspace{3mm} \small Isogloss YEAR, ISSUE/NR}
\fancyhead[RE]{\small Author}
\fancyhead[LO]{\small Title of paper [leave `Title of paper' unchanged]}
\fancyhead[RO]{\small Isogloss YEAR, 1/2 \normalsize \thepage}
%\setcounter{page}{23} %This sets the initial page at a number other than 1 (in this case 23).
\fancyhead[L]{\small ISSN 2835-4138 (digital)\\https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/isogloss.\\{}}
\fancyhead[R]{\small Isogloss YEAR, ISSUE/NR\\PAGES\\{}}
%don't worry about the headers, we will compile them
\newcommand{\pref}[1]{(\ref{#1})} % If you use \ref{xx}, the reference in the text appears without parentheses: "as we see in 1, ..." instead of "as we see in (1)...". So we create a new command: instead of \ref, call \pref (Parentheses REFerence) which specifies that any cross references to xx appear in parentheses.
\usepackage{tipa} %for IPA
\usepackage{phonrule} %for phonological rules
\usepackage[nocenter]{qtree} %for trees
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %STRIKETHROUGH TEXT
% patch \maketitle so that it doesn't center
% patch \maketitle so that the font size for the title is normal
\author{Anonymous} \affil{anon \\email}
%\title{\Huge{Patterns of syntactic microvariation: the case of European Portuguese}}
%\author{Noam Chomsky} \affil{Massachusetts Institute of Technology\\noam.chomsky@mit.edu}
%\author{Howard Lasnik} \affil{University of Maryland\\howard.lasnik@umd.edu}
\noindent \includegraphics[ height=1cm]{ccby.png}
\hfill Received: XX-XX-XX
\hfill Accepted: XX-XX-XX
\hfill Published: XX-XX-XX
\noindent \textbf{How to cite} [Leave blank]
\noindent \textbf{Abstract}
\noindent Here's is the abstract of the paper.
\noindent \textbf{Keywords:} keyword1, kw2, kw3, kw4, kw5. (don't forget the period at the end of the list)
% \textbf{Table of Contents}
%\begin{tabular}{c c}
% 1. Section 1 & 4. Section 4\\
% 2. Section 2 & 5. Section 5\\
% 3. Section 3 & 6. Section 6
% \end{tabular}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. According to \citet{Chomsky:01}, Sed consectetur eu justo eget suscipit. Integer vitae lacinia velit. Quisque fermentum, mi pulvinar blandit elementum, enim turpis gravida tortor, vel maximus est dui nec mauris. Donec et mattis augue. Phasellus quis lacus velit. In aliquet metus at lacus fermentum, eu cursus purus sodales. Ut eleifend leo a dui maximus placerat. Suspendisse vitae tincidunt nulla, ac varius ligula. Donec libero sem, pharetra sagittis rutrum posuere, imperdiet et libero. \textcite[122]{Chomsky:95:The}
Here's an example:
\pex<mitad> \begingl \gla Juan (se) comi\'{o} la manzana pero dej\'{o} la mitad.//
\glb Juan \textsc{refl} eat.\textsc{pfv.3sg} the apple but leave.\textsc{pfv.3sg} the half//
\glft `Juan ate (`himself') the apple but left half of it.'//
Before a new section or subsection, you need to specify \textsf{expex} not to add the vertical space added by default, as this would be add up to the vertical space introduced by \textsf{titlesec}:
\pex[belowexskip=0pt]<paelita> \begingl \gla Juan (se) comi\'{o} la paella con la ayuda de Mar\'{i}a.//
\glb Juan \textsc{refl} eat.\textsc{pfv.3sg} the paella with the help of Maria//
\glft `Juan ate himself the paella with Mary's help.'//
\section{A first section}
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce dui dolor, dictum nec dui at, maximus mollis tellus. Praesent auctor ut sapien in luctus. Etiam malesuada, felis sit amet faucibus ultrices, orci metus ultricies massa, vitae sagittis velit magna vel risus. Aliquam molestie ipsum elit. Aenean ut tellus erat. Cras vitae elit nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas orci eget consequat fringilla. Cras tortor ex, maximus at fermentum et, imperdiet et velit.
\section{A new section}
2 lines space between sections. This is an introduction to the subsections below.
\subsection{A subsection}
No space between subsection and text. According to Chomsky: ‘We have considered four functional categories: T, C, D, and Agr. The first three have Interpretable features providing "instructions" at either or both interface levels. Agr does not; it consists of -Interpretable formal features only. We therefore have fairly direct evidence from interface relations about T, C, and D, but not Agr. Unlike the other functional categories, Agr is present only for theory-internal reasons’ \citep[321]{Chomsky:95:The}
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce dui dolor, dictum nec dui at, maximus mollis tellus. Praesent auctor ut sapien in luctus. Etiam malesuada, felis sit amet faucibus ultrices, orci metus ultricies massa, vitae sagittis velit magna vel risus. Aliquam molestie ipsum elit. Aenean ut tellus erat. Cras vitae elit nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas orci eget consequat fringilla. Cras tortor ex, maximus at fermentum et, imperdiet et velit.\footnote{Here is an important footnote. Footnotes need 1.25 indent. Etiam sit amet arcu euismod, iaculis neque sit amet, commodo mauris. Curabitur vel congue neque, nec aliquam elit. }
Here's how you draw a simple tree:
\Tree [.Agr_{s}P [. ] [.Agr_{s}' [.Agr_{s} ][.I/TP [. ] [.I/T' [.I ] [.(NegP) [. ] [.Neg' [.Neg ] [.Agr_{o}P [. ] [.Agr_{o}' [.Agr_{o} ] [.VP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]]
%\Tree [.S [.NP ] [.VP ] ]
Etiam sit amet arcu euismod, iaculis neque sit amet, commodo mauris. Curabitur vel congue neque, nec aliquam elit. Proin efficitur ante in mi tristique, et consectetur mauris dignissim. Proin vitae placerat dolor. Vivamus sollicitudin felis accumsan mauris vestibulum dapibus. Maecenas ultricies sem ut magna finibus, ut dapibus lorem maximus. Morbi ut mauris tellus. Nunc tincidunt in sapien non porttitor. Mauris molestie, velit et aliquet ultrices, turpis mi placerat enim, et aliquam tellus leo sit amet odio.
Here's how you draw a table: \\
\noindent \begin{tabular}[t]{| c| c| c| c|}
A & B & C & D \\
\textsc{f}[ ] & x & \textsc{F}[3] & z \\
\textsc{num}[ ] & y & \textsc{}{num}[PL] & l \\
& & \textsc{case} [ ] & \\
or without borders: \\
\begin{tabular}[t]{l l l l l}
bla & bla & bla & bla & bla\\
a & b & c & d & e \\
a & b & c & d & e \\
\end{tabular} \\
Phasellus eget erat at leo finibus varius. Suspendisse in nunc eget neque feugiat tristique. Sed sagittis eget quam vitae dignissim. Nunc vitae sodales eros. Nullam eu quam id nisi egestas hendrerit. Ut a pulvinar felis. Morbi ut ullamcorper urna. Sed vitae sapien et nisl malesuada hendrerit. Praesent scelerisque volutpat lacus, quis imperdiet velit tempus ac. Phasellus tincidunt non est non vulputate. Fusce at est nunc.\\
Here is another example of table, this time with a title (above the table) and a mention of the source (below the table). "Table X" and "Figure X" should be bold, followed by a period. 11 pt font. "Source" should also be in bold but followed by a colon.
\caption{Percentage of `true' responses for Spanish test items with (a) all verbs and (b) the consumption verb \textit{comer} (compared to `true' responses for \textit{eat} in English)}
& \textbf{\textit{$-$se}} & \textbf{\textit{$+$se}} \\
\textsc{full} & 97 & 70 \\
\textsc{part} & 61 & 46 \\
& \textit{\textbf{comer}} & \textbf{\textit{comerse}} &
\textit{\textbf{eat}} & \textit{\textbf{eat up}} \\
\textsc{full} & 100 & 100 & 100 & 100 \\
\textsc{part} & 88 & 73 & 83 & 17 \\
\item \begin{small}\textbf{Source}: Arunachalam and Kothari (2010, 2011) for English results \end{small}
Phasellus eget erat at leo finibus varius. Suspendisse in nunc eget neque feugiat tristique. Sed sagittis eget quam vitae dignissim. Nunc vitae sodales eros. Nullam eu quam id nisi egestas hendrerit. Ut a pulvinar felis. Morbi ut ullamcorper urna. Sed vitae sapien et nisl malesuada hendrerit. Praesent scelerisque volutpat lacus, quis imperdiet velit tempus ac. Phasellus tincidunt non est non vulputate. Fusce at est nunc.\\
A simple numbered list:
\item Matching is feature identity.
\item D(P) is the sister of P.
\item Locality reduces to ``closest c-command.''
an itemized list
\item bla
\item bla
\item bla
\subsubsection{Subsubsection header}
The should be one line space before subsections, no line space between subsection and text, and only a space (no indent) between subsection number and header). Number of sections and subsections should also be italicized.
% The following syntax, in tandem with xpatch package, removes the brackets in the references list. It also removes the dot after the line.
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/428193/169121
The author wishes to thank Blabla and bla.
%In the bibliography, years should be between periods, not parentheses. If you use natbib, you can use the sp.bst of SemPrag (\url{info.semprag.org/basics}), as the bibliography format required by Isogloss is similar.