% A LaTeX template fitted for a Phd thesis report
% Copyright (C) 2013 Damien Roque
% Author : Damien Roque <damien.roque_AT_isae-supaero.fr>
% Include configuration (loading packages, defining the style of the document...)
% Include user's macros
% Build only the following parts of the document (recommended for large documents)
% \include{2-chapters/2-1-introduction}
% \include{2-chapters/2-2-first-chapter}
% \include{2-chapters/2-3-another-chapter}
% \include{2-chapters/2-7-conclusion}
% Include the title pages
% (the first is made mandatory by UDG and the second is more traditional)
% Build a per-chapter table of content
% Use roman page numbering for non-significant pages
% Include the acknowledgements page
% Build the general table of contents
% Build the list of figures
% Build the list of tables
% Include the acronym list
%%% Chapters are included here %%%
% Use arabic page numbering for significant pages
% Include the chapters
%%% Appendices are included here %%%
% Build the references list
% Bibtex
% \bibliographystyle{alpha}
% \bibliography{references.bib}
% BibLatex
% Include the abstract