IMRAD Template
Bjorn Jasper Raquel
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Use for formatting papers in IMRAD template
Can be modified as one wishes

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[ DIV=calc,%
twocolumn]{scrartcl} % KOMA-article class
\usepackage{lipsum} % Package to create dummy text
\usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation
\usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} % Better typography
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % Enable pdflatex
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Enabling colors by their 'svgnames'
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\usepackage{epstopdf} % Converts .eps to .pdf
\usepackage{subfig} % Subfigures
\usepackage{booktabs} % Nicer tables
\usepackage{fix-cm} % Custom fontsizes
\usepackage{natbib} % Bibliography
\setcitestyle{authoryear,open={(},close={)}} %Citation-related commands
citecolor = blue,
pdftitle={RTU DESS Format},
%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
\usepackage{sectsty} % Custom sectioning (see below)
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\sectionfont{% % Change font of \section command
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%%% Headers and footers
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Needed to define custom headers/footers
\pagestyle{fancy} % Enabling the custom headers/footers
% Header (empty)
% Footer (you may change this to your own needs)
\lfoot{\small \usefont{OT1}{lmr}{c}{n} \textcolor{blue}{Short Research Title}}
\rfoot{\footnotesize page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}} % "Page 1 of 2"
%%% Creating an initial of the very first character of the content
%%% Title, author and date metadata
\usepackage{titling} % For custom titles
\newcommand{\HorRule}{\color{Black}% % Creating a horizontal rule
%%begin novalidate
\pretitle{\vspace{-60pt} \begin{flushleft} \HorRule
\fontsize{50}{50} \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n} \color{DarkBlue} \selectfont
\title{Research Title} % Title of your article goes here
\posttitle{\par\end{flushleft}\vskip 0.5em}
\fontsize{20}{50} \lineskip 0.5em \usefont{OT1}{lmr}{b}{ol} \color{DarkRed}}
\author{Lee Dong Min$^{1, 2,\star}$, Kim Moon Bin$^{1,3}$, Yoon Sanha$^{1,4}$, \newline Kim Myung Jun$^{1,5}$, : Park Jin Woo$^{1,6}$, and Park Min Hyuk$^{1,7}$ } % Author name goes here
\postauthor{\fontsize{15}{10} \usefont{OT1}{lmss}{bx}{ol} \newline \newline \color{Black}
\newline $^{2}$Venus
\newline $^{3}$Earth
\newline $^{4}$Mars
\newline $^{5}$Jupiter
\newline $^{6}$Saturn
\newline $^{7}$Neptune
\fontsize{10}{50} \usefont{OT1}{pmt}{b}{n} \color{black}
$^\star$Corresponding Author: leedongmin@astro.aroha.com}
%%end novalidate
\date{} % No date
%%% Begin document
\thispagestyle{fancy} % Enabling the custom headers/footers for the first page
% The first character should be within \initial{}
\initial{\textbf{T}}\textbf{his is where you will insert your abstract. Brief summary, important points, interesting results/developments, methods developed/used, research gap being resolved, and outline of the paper must be included in the abstract. Make sure that there is no reference/cited article in your abstract. No more than 250 words should be in this part.}
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\lipsum[20] \citep{Ref1}. %use \citet{} for "Kuo et al. (2022)"
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\item \lipsum[7]
\item \lipsum[7]
\item \lipsum[7]
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\lipsum[7] (see Table~\ref{Tab1})
\subsection*{Result 1}
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\lipsum[7] (see Figure~\ref{Figure 1})
\caption{Caption of table}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Name} \\
First name & Last Name & Grade \\
John & Doe & $7.5$ \\
Richard & Miles & $2$ \\
\caption{Sphere Mesh}
\label{Figure 1}
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\item[First] \lipsum[30]
\item[Last] \lipsum[30]
According to \citet{Ref1} and \citet{Ref2}, %For multiple citations use ',' in between references
\begin{figure}[H] %'[H]' forces the figure to stay in the relative position of the text it is located
\label{Figure 2}
\lipsum[5](see Figure~\ref{Figure 2,Figure 3})
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
\section*{Author Contributions}
\; \; %% '\; \;' is required for indention
The author did not receive any external help to write this paper/ The authors provided the following contributions: Author 1, Author 2 - Statistical Analysis, Author 3 - Data Visualization, etc.
%% Alphabetical References
%\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} %No abbreviation of First Name
\bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} %Abbreviation of First Name
\bibliography{references} %% To edit the references copy paste the BibTex citation format in the references.bib file in the left
\begin{figure}[H] %'[H]' forces the figure to stay in the relative position of the text it is located
\caption{Scary Shark Catto}
\label{Figure 3}
\subsection*{Appendix 1}