
IIT Ropar CV Template
Harsh Mittal, 2018eeb1150
3 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
This is the official CV Template for IIT Ropar

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% Resume in Latex
% Author : Harsh Mittal, 2018eeb1150@iitrpr.ac.in
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\name}{FirstName LastName} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Bachelor of Technology} % Your Course
\newcommand{\roll}{XXXXXXXXX} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{mobile number} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{something@example.com} %Email 1
\newcommand{\emailb}{email id} %Email 2
\newcommand{\github}{github username} %Github
\newcommand{\website}{link to your portfolio if any} %Website
\newcommand{\linkedin}{linkedinusername} %linkedin
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r}
\textbf{\LARGE \name} & +91-\phone\\
\course & \href{mailto:\emailb}{\emailb}\\
{in Electrical Engineering} & \href{https://github.com/\github}{GitHub} $|$ \href{\website}{Website}\\
{Indian Institute Of Technology, Ropar} & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/\linkedin/}{linkedin.com/in/\linkedin}
% \section{Education}
% \resumeSubHeadingListStart
% \resumeSubheading
% {Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati}{Guwahati, India}
% {Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics and Computing ; GPA: 8.10}{July. 2015 -- July. 2019 (Expected)}
% \resumeSubheading
% {Burdwan Model School}{Burdwan, W.B}
% {Central Board of Secondary Education (Class XII); Percentage: 96.60}{March. 2015}
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd\vspace{-3mm}
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt} % Default value: 6pt
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\textbf{Degree } & \textbf{Institute/Board} & \textbf{CGPA/Percentage} & \textbf{Year}\\
Bachelor of Technology & Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar & 8.00 (Till 6th Sem) & 2018-2022\\
%Minor in CSE & Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar & 8.52 %(Till 6th Sem) & 2018-2022\\
Senior Secondary & Central Board of Secondary Education & 95\% & 2018 \\
Secondary & Central Board of Secondary Education & 9.8 & 2016 \\
{Company Name}{Location}
{Position}{June 2021 - July 2021}
\item {About work}
\item {About Work}
{Company Name}{Location}
{Position}{June 2021 - July 2021}
\item {About work}
\item {About Work}
% \item {More work done } .....
{Project Name} %Project Name
{Course or faculty} %Project Name, Location Name
{Mar 2021 - Apr 2021} %Event Dates
{\href{Github Link}{\textbf{Github}}} %Website
\item {About it}
\item {About it}
{Project Name} %Project Name
{Course or faculty} %Project Name, Location Name
{Mar 2021 - Apr 2021} %Event Dates
{\href{Github Link}{\textbf{Github}}} %Website
\item {About it}
\item {About it}
\section{\textbf{Technical Skills}}
\resumeSubItem{Programming Languages} % Category
{ C/C++, Python}
\resumeSubItem{Skills 2} % Category
{blah, blah} % Skills
\resumeSubItem{Skills 3} % Category
{blah, blah } % Skills
\section{\textbf{Key courses taken}}
\resumeSubItem{CSE \& Maths} % Category
{ Algorithm \& Data Structure, Operating System, DBMS, Discrete Math}
{ blah blah}
% \resumeSubItem{Electrical and Electronics} % Category
% {Advanced Control Systems, Digital Systems, Microprocessors} % Skills
\section{\textbf{Positions of Responsibility}}
\resumePOR{Secretary} % Position
{XYZ Club, IIT Ropar} %Club,Event
{Apr. 2018 - Apr. 2019} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{Secretary} % Position
{XYZ Club, IIT Ropar} %Club,Event
{Apr. 2018 - Apr. 2019} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{Achievement 1} % Award
{ About it} % Event
{2017} %Event Year
\resumePOR{Achievement 2} % Award
{About it} % Event
{2021} %Event Year
\resumePOR{Achievement 3} % Award
{ About it} % Event
{2020} %Event Year
% \vspace{-2mm}