ICES Proceedings Template
Donna LaLonde
7 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating ICES conference proceedings submissions.

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A template for creating ICES conference proceedings submissions.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{ Titles Should Be Bold, Centered, and Title Cased: Do Not
Use All Caps for Your Title}
\author{First Author\thanks{First author's affiliation, 1100 E. 5th Street, Niles, MI 20724} \and Second Author\thanks{Second author's affiliation, 1100 E. 5th Street, Niles, MI 20724} \and Third Author\thanks{Third author's affiliation, 1100 E. 5th Street, Niles, MI 20724} \and Fourth Author\thanks{Fourth author's affiliation, 1100 E. 5th Street, Niles, MI 20724} \and Fifth Author\thanks{Fifth author's affiliation, 1100 E. 5th Street, Niles, MI 20724}}
This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
Bayesian, parametric, $p$-value, ICES
\section{Primary Subhead\label{intro}}
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Please consider publishing your presentation in the ICES VI Proceedings. You are eligible to publish if you orally presented your paper in an invited, topic-contributed, or contributed session. Discussants and IOL and plenary session presenters may submit a paper for the proceedings, as well. If your paper was withdrawn or not orally presented, it is not eligible for publication in the proceedings.
Authors retain copyright to their individual paper published in the proceedings. Eligible presenters are not prohibited from publishing in the proceedings as well as other publications; authors are advised to consult journal exclusivity agreements for restrictions.
The page limit is 15 pages. This includes keynote addresses, introductory overview lecture papers, invited papers, contributed/topic-contributed papers, discussant papers, end panelist papers, and summary of end panel discussion.
This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
References within your paper should use the Harvard referencing format. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
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\subsection{Secondary Subhead}
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This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
\section{Another Primary Subhead}
\subsection{Secondary Subhead}
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\subsubsection{Tertiary Subhead}
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\caption{Genotypes and Their Genotypic Values for a Diallelic Locus Genotypes and Their Genotypic Values for a Diallelic Locus Genotypes and Their Genotypic Values for a Diallelic Locus Genotypes and Their Genotypic Values for a Diallelic Locus Genotypes and Their Genotypic Values for a Diallelic Locus }
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Genotype} & &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Dummy for additivity} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Dummy for dominance }\\
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Label} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Index i} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Genotypic value ($\eta$)}&
\multicolumn{1}{c}{effect $\alpha$ (x)} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{effect $\delta$ (z)}\\
qq &1& $\mu + \mbox{2}\alpha$ & 2& 0\\
Qq& 2& $\mu + \alpha + \delta$& 1 &1\\
QQ& 3& $\mu$& 0& 0\\
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\caption{Place figure caption here.}
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This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper. This is sample text and needs to be completely replaced before submitting your paper.
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