% 在这里填写你的论文题目
\newcommand{\thesisTitleEN}{English Title (not used)}
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\definecolor{purple}{rgb}{0.65, 0.12, 0.82}
keywords={typeof, new, true, false, catch, function, return, null, catch, switch, var, if, in, while, do, else, case, break, const},
ndkeywords={class, export, boolean, throw, implements, import, this},
% 封面(自动生成)
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% 中文摘要
\keywords{扩频通信\quad 抗干扰\quad 码分多址\quad 未来趋势\quad 扩频通信\quad 抗干扰\quad 码分多址\quad 未来趋势} % 中文关键词
{\textbf{\large{Principles, Characteristics, and Applications of Spread Spectrum Communication Technology}}} \\[1ex]
Huang Mingchuan \\[1ex]
(College of Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
This paper comprehensively explores the development history, fundamental principles, performance characteristics, application areas, and future trends of spread spectrum communication technology. By spreading the signal bandwidth, spread spectrum communication enhances anti-jamming capability and security, and supports code division multiple access (CDMA). It has been widely applied in both military and civilian fields, such as military communications, navigation, mobile communications, and satellite communications. However, challenges remain, including system complexity, cost, and emerging interference forms. In the future, spread spectrum communication will evolve towards higher speeds, intelligence, lower power consumption, and diversified applications.
It will deeply integrate with 5G/6G, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and other technologies, playing a more significant role in the future of communication.
\noindent \textbf{Key words:} Spread spectrum \quad communication\quad Anti-jamming\quad Code division multiple access (CDMA)\quad Future trends
% \quad相当于两个字符宽度
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Abstract} %添加目录
% 英文摘要
% 目录(自动生成)
The only constant in life is change
\caption{Categorization for signal modulation based on data and carrier types}
\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{5cm} m{4cm} m{4cm}}
\textbf{特性} & \textbf{扩频通信} & \textbf{传统通信} \\
\textbf{抗干扰能力} & 强 & 弱 \\
\textbf{保密性} & 高 & 低 \\
\textbf{频谱利用率} & 高 (CDMA) & 低 (FDMA/TDMA) \\
\textbf{多址接入} & 灵活 (CDMA) & 受限 (FDMA/TDMA) \\
\textbf{抗多径性能} & 好 & 差 \\
print("Hello, World!")
\subsection{汇编 (89C51)代码示例}
ORG 0H ; 程序起始地址
MOV DPTR, #MSG ; 将 MSG 地址加载到数据指针寄存器中
MOV SBUF, #0 ; 清空 SBUF 寄存器
; 发送字符串
MOV A, @DPTR ; 将 DPTR 指向的数据加载到 A 寄存器
INC DPTR ; 数据指针寄存器自增,指向下一个字符
JZ END ; 如果 A 寄存器为 0(字符串结束符),则跳转到 END
MOV SBUF, A ; 将 A 寄存器中的字符送到 SBUF 寄存器
JNB TI, $ ; 等待 SBUF 寄存器发送完毕
CLR TI ; 清除发送完成标志
SJMP SEND_STRING ; 继续发送下一个字符
NOP ; 程序结束,停在此处
DB 'Hello, World!', 0 ; 字符串数据,以 0 结束
\subsection{C 语言代码示例}
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!\n");
return 0;
% 参考文献(自动生成)
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\section*{\centerline{致 \qquad 谢}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{致谢} %记得更改目录