%% HKUST Thesis LaTeX Template
%% Check the project website for the latest updates:
%% https://github.com/HKFoggyU/hkust-thesis
%% Contributors:
%% https://github.com/HKFoggyU/hkust-thesis/graphs/contributors
%% License:
%% LaTeX Project Public License (version 1.3c)
%customlatinfont = windows,
%custombibstyle = nature,
displaycommittee = false,
blankpage = true,
%% Thesis information
\hkustsetup {
%% Please wrap the items with {}.
%% If one item is not applicable, just leave it {}.
%% Please do not leave any blank lines without {}.
info = {
degree = {phd}, %% phd / mphil
title = {Triggering\\the Forth Impact},
keywords = {Neon, Genesis, Evangelion},
author = {Cruel Angel},
school = {School of SEELE},
department = {Department of NERV},
program = {Human Instrumentality},
major = {},
supervisor = {Prof. Adams},
%% Co-supervisor; leave it {} if not available
co-supervisor = {Prof. Lilith},
submit-month = {August 2021}, % <month year>
submit-date = {13 August 2021}, % <date month year>
defend-date = {8 March 2021}, % <date month year>
depthead = {Prof. Ikari Yui, Head of Department},
%% reviewers only for some departments, like ECE
reviewer = {Prof. AAA (Chairperson),
Prof. BBB (Supervisor),
Prof. CCC (Co-Supervisor),
Prof. DDD,
Prof. EEE,
Prof. FFF},
reviewerdept = {Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Department of ECE,
Department of ECE,
Department of ECE,
Department of ECE,
Department of Physics},
reviewerext = {Prof. FFF (External Examiner),
Department of HH\\{University of UU, at VV}},
% reviewerext = {},
city = {Geo Front},
%% Import extra packages
% \usepackage{indentfirst}
%% Import bib file for bibliography
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% Thesis structure: In the order of
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% Titlepage -> Authorization -> Signature ->
%% Acknowledgements ->
%% TOC -> List of Figures -> List of Tables ->
%% Abstract ->
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% <Main body> ->
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% References -> (Appendices)
%% -------------------------------------------------
% TODO: see \cmd{\newlistofalgorithms}
\newlistofalgorithms % This is to maintain the same appearance
%% Dedication and Preface are optional
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% Main body
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% References
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% Appendices
%% -------------------------------------------------