The template for a Master thesis in the Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing of Wageningen University & Research.
% WUR Master Thesis title page template
% Ported from the MS Word version; note that there are slight differences
% Compiles in both PDFLaTeX and XeLaTeX
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} % Uses the book template for quick start, but scrbook may be better because it is more flexible
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Include italic fonts
\usepackage{geometry} % Page margins
\usepackage{titling} % Title page container
\usepackage{wrapfig} % Picture container
\usepackage{graphicx} % Including graphics
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % Set default font to sans serif. The MS Word template uses Arial, but we can't force this
% Note: Fill these in with correct data, they are used throughout the document
\author{Name student}
% This can be left as-is to automatically update
\geometry{top=1.25cm,bottom=0.96cm,inner=1.91cm,outer=1.91cm,foot=0cm,includeheadfoot} % First page margins
{\Large Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing}\vspace{0.9cm}
{\Large Thesis Report GIRS-2020-xx}\vspace{0.9cm}
{\bfseries \Large \MakeUppercase{\thetitle}}
{\bfseries \itshape (Subtitle)}\vspace{2.0cm}
% Note: Remove the ``draft'' from \includegraphics to actually include an image, and adjust the vspace (padding) if you want to use a differently sized image
{\Large \theauthor}\vspace{6.0cm}
\rotatebox{90}{\Large \thedate}\vspace{1.5cm}
% This is the vector version of the new WUR logo; due to layout changes it visually looks larger than the old one
% Note: this image is not stretched out like it is in the MS Word template
\newgeometry{top=1.25cm,bottom=1.25cm,inner=0.66cm,outer=0.53cm,foot=1.19cm,includeheadfoot} % Subsequent page margins
% Note: this uses the MS Word template margins, you might want to increase them a bit for printing (e.g. inner=1.91cm,outer=1.91cm)
{\bfseries \Large \thetitle}
{\bfseries \itshape Subtitle}\vspace{2.7cm}
{\Large \theauthor}\vspace{1.1cm}
{Registration number xx xx xx xxx xxx}\vspace{3.5cm}
{\large \underline{Supervisors}:}\vspace{1.1cm}
{Name 1}
{Name 2}\vspace{3.0cm}
{A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science}
{at Wageningen University and Research Centre,}
{The Netherlands.}\vspace{2.7cm}
{Wageningen, The Netherlands}
Thesis code number: GRS-804xx
Thesis Report: GIRS-2017-xx
{Wageningen University and Research Centre}
{Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing}