Final year B.E. GIT Report in LaTeX Format
Rahul Kulkarni
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Start page Report.tex
Individual pages in Chapter folder

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Start page Report.tex
Individual pages in Chapter folder
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Report writing: Project report should written in third person and typed neatly only on one side of the paper
% Paper- A4 size, executive bond.
% Line spacing -1.5, Margin- 3 cm on the left and 2.5 cm on all the other sides
% Font type - Times new Roman
% Font size: Chapter Title -14 point (Bold),
% Main headings- 12 point (Bold) and
% sub-headings and body – 12 point, normal.
% You can include graphs, pictures, data, drawings, design calculations in your report;
% they should be properly numbered and should have the caption.
% Larger drawings, source codes and program could be placed as Appendix.
% The reports must be hard bounded with plastic covering.
% Number of copies:
% a. Both hard copy and soft copy(CD): Student copy, External(Industry) Guide, Department library copy
% b. Soft copy (CD) : Internal Guide/Co- Guide
% Soft copy should contain scanned copies of the inner title page, certificate(s), report, drawings etc.
% Scanned copies and the report should be in pdf format.
% Total pages excluding abstract, acknowledgement, table of contents, list of figures and tables:
% Minimum 40 pages and maximum 75 pages.
% Academic year printed on the side
% Plagiarism check ( 30 %) : Desirable
% Colour of the outer cover/front page of project report (all branches):
% a. Industry sponsored projects: Light Brown
% b. Others: Sky Blue
% The organization of the report should be as follows: Usually numbered in roman
% Declaration
% Abstract or Synopsis
% Acknowledgments
% Table of Contents
% List of table & figures (optional)
% List of Abbreviations
% List of Symbols
% Main body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.
% The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g.
% Chapter 2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.
% The chapter number must be centered (font size 14) followed by the title of chapter centered (font size 14),
% section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with
% section number and its heading in font size 12 and subsection and its heading in font size 12.
% The body or the text of the report should have font size 12.
% The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise for e.g.:
% Fig. 2.1 schematic diagram of set-up , Table 3.1 variation in strength, etc.
% No tab space at the beginning of the paragraph
% Reference OR Bibliography:
% The references should be numbered serially in the order of their occurrence in the text and
% their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3].
% The section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.
% For textbooks – Name of the author(s), Title of the book, Publisher, Edition, Year of publication
% Ex: A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Englewood, N.J., Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 1975.
% For Journal papers – Name of the author(s), Title of the paper, Publisher,Volume no. , Year of publication, Page nos. from – to
% Ex: Devid, Insulation design to combat pollution problem, Proc of IEEE, PAS, Vol 71, Aug 1981, pp 1901-1907.
% For conference papers – Name of the author(s), Title of the paper, Name of the conference, Venue, Year, Page nos. from – to ( from conference proceedings)
% For URL(date of visit/download)
% Ex: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/report-writing.html (16.03.2019)
% Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for e.g.
% V = IR ………. (3.2)
% All equation numbers should be right justified.
% Only SI units are to be used in the report.
% Page number: Bottom right side in the footer section
% Header: No
% Footer ( centered): KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi
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% Margin- 3 cm on the left and 2.5 cm on all the other sides
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% Font size
\newcommand{\chapfnt}{\fontsize{14}{15}} % Font size: Chapter Title -14 point,
\newcommand{\secfnt}{\fontsize{12}{13}} % Main headings- 12 point (Bold) and
\newcommand{\ssecfnt}{\fontsize{12}{13}} % sub-headings and body – 12 point, normal.
{\normalfont\chapfnt\bfseries} % Font size: Chapter Title (Bold)
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\titleformat{\section}[block] % Main headings- (Bold)
{\normalfont\secfnt\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{} % [block] displays section number followed by section name
\titleformat{\subsection}[block] % sub-headings normal
{\normalfont\ssecfnt}{\thesubsection}{1em}{}% [block] displays subsection number followed by subsection name
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{-50pt}{18pt} % Aligining Chapter , centered
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\fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage} % Page number: Bottom right side in the footer section
% amsmath and amssymb packages, useful for mathematical formulas and symbols
\usepackage{algorithmic,algorithm2e} %for psuedo code , algorithm
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\usepackage{fixltx2e} % fixltx2e package for \textsubscript
\usepackage{cite} % cite package, to clean up citations in the main text. Do not remove.
\usepackage{microtype} % ligatures disabled
\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = *, family = * }
\usepackage{rotating} % rotating package for sideways tables
\date{} % Leave date blank
\usepackage{lipsum} % Generate dummy text (lorem ipsum)
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}} % Title of Biblography page as References
\pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1} % numbered in roman
\newpage \tableofcontents % Generated table of contents
\newpage \listoftables % Generated list of figures
\listoffigures % Generated list of figures
% Chapter numbers (to be numbered in Arabic)
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