Material for "Sistemas Dinámicos" taught in San Pablo CEU University. Template for proposing new exercises with solutions.
\newproblem{identifier}{ % An identifier for the problem. Change it also at \useproblem
% Problem identification
\textbf{My mega amazing problem!} % A title for the problem
\ifthenelse{\boolean{identifyAuthor}}{\textit{Author Name} \\}{}
% Problem statement
Find the solution of the ODE
$$y'= 3$$
that fulfills $y(0) = 1$.
% End the problem statement with a blank line
% Solution
Generic solution is:
y = 3x + C.
Solution to the initial value problem is:
y = 3x + 1.
You can also solve the problem with \proglang{MatLab}:
This is shown on the next figure:
\useproblem{identifier} % same identifier used at the definition of newproblem