Example Dissertation for Florida Tech
David Lowe
8 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Example Dissertation for Florida Tech

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Example Dissertation for Florida Tech
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Package loading---------------------------------
\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} % no number for Vita in ToC
\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Location of the graphics files
%To get single-space, (for drafts only!) use:
\title{Example Dissertation for Florida Tech\\ Multiple Lines}
\author{Pete Panther}
%\GradDocumentType can be of the following: thesis, dissertation, design project, research paper
%Degree you are applying for, defaults to Master of Engineering
\degree{Doctorate of Philosophy}
\dept{Degree Program Name}
%Your Previous Degree \\ University, year
\authordegree{Master of ????? \\Department Name\\College\\ YYYY\\ \vspace{1em}
Bachelor of ???? \\Department Name\\ College\\ YYYY}
%Year thesis is submitted
%Define Committee Information
\directorname{Primary Advisor, Ph.D.}
\directortitle{Associate Professor}
\directordept{Department Goes Here}
%Second Committee Member / Outside Member
\secondreadername{Second / Outside Committee Member}
\secondreadertitle{Title Goes here}
\secondreaderdept{Department Goes Here}
%Third Committe Member
\thirdreadername{Third Committee Member}
\thirdreadertitle{Title Goes Here}
\thirdreaderdept{Department Goes here}
%Forth Committee Member
\forthreadername{Fourth Committee, Ph.D., P.E.}
%Use Academic Unit Head
\academicunitheadname{Deapartment Head, Ph.D.}
\academicunitheadtitle{Professor and Department Head}
\academicunitheaddept{Electrical \& Computer Engineering}
%For MS students
%This abstract maintains the same look as all other sections.
%include Abstract Text
% \newpage
%Uncomment following line if you have 4 or more tables
% \newpage
%%------------List of Figures----------------------
%\listoffigures\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
%%------------List of Tables-----------------------
%\listoftables\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
%%-----------change single space to double space---
\doublespacing \pagenumbering{arabic}
%%-----------Main Matter---------------------------
%%-----------Back Matter---------------------------