This LaTeX presentation template can be used by members of the ERIC lab or adapted by others who wish to use it.
%% adapted by M-L. Messai
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
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\usepackage{utopia} %font utopia imported
% set colors
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\title{Your Title}
\subtitle{ Subtitle is here} %% Change project title here
\author{The author} %% Change author name here
\institute{Maître de conférences\\
%Institut de la Communication (ICOM) - Université Lumière Lyon 2\\
Laboratoire ERIC UR 3083}
\date[\textcolor{white}{8 June 2023}] %% Change presentation date here
{8 June 2023}
%This block of commands puts the table of contents at the
%beginning of each section and highlights the current section:
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Contents}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection]
% \end{frame}
%The next statement creates the title page.
\begin{frame}{Introduction: WSNs to IoT networks}
In this part I'll...
\begin{frame}{Security and Key distribution }
In this part I'll...
\section{Related work}
\begin{frame}{Basic ideas}
Literature Review
\section{Proposed solution}
\begin{frame}{Research Questions}
Research Questions
\begin{frame}{Empirical Analysis - Baseline Model}
Empirical Model
\begin{frame}{Empirical Analysis - Data}
\begin{frame}{Current work}
Self-healing key management
PoK @ IWCMC'23
\begin{frame}{Summary and Further Discussion}
Summary and Further Discussion
% \section*{Acknowledgement}
% \begin{frame}
% \textcolor{myNewColorA}{\Huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}
% \end{frame}
\huge{Thank you for your attention!}