Slide template for presentations at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg based on the beamer document class in a 16:9 format
% beamer class with 4:3 aspect ratio
% Beamer class with 16:9 aspect ratio.
% Note: When 32:18 is specified, the height of the slides remains constant.
% load all packages
% style of the Chair for Electromagnetic Compatibility
% style of the Institute for Medical Engineering
% style of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
% style of the Otto-von-Guericke-University
% style of STIMULATE (Solution Centre for Image Guided Local Therapies)
\title[Short Title]{Title of the Presentation}
\author{John Doe}
\institute[Chair for EMC]{
Chair for Electromagnetic Compatibility \\
Institute for Medical Engineering \\
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
\mode<presentation>{\keywords{Put some keywords here, separated by commas, e.g. Non-Technical Project, Academic Writing}}
\date[01/01/2023]{Date of the Presentation, e.g. January 1th 2023}
% \maketitle also works in the article mode
% \titlepage only works for presentation
% only for the miniframe navigation
\begin{block}{Why to give a presentation:}
\item show the main arguments and results of your work
\item produce interest to read the full paper/report
\item goal: be educational and also entertaining
\begin{block}{Advantages of using \LaTeX ~with the beamer package:}
\item very easy if the report is already written in \LaTeX
\item different themes which are usable in practice
\item possibility to create handouts using \emph{beamerarticle}
\begin{block}{Pythagoras theorem:}
a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \label{eq:pythogoras}
\end{equation} \end{block}
\begin{block}{It follows that:}
a^2 &= c^2 - b^2 \\
b^2 &= c^2 - a^2
\caption{Logo of the university.}
xlabel={time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})},
ylabel={voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})},
legend pos=south west,
% example how to insert a line by giving a formula directly
] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230};
\addlegendentry{sine wave-form};
] {cos(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230};
\addlegendentry{cosine wave-form};
\caption{Harmonic time course of a voltage with a frequency of \SI{50}{\hertz}
and an effective value of \SI{230}{\volt}.}
variable & meaning \\
$t$ & time \\
$U$ & voltage \\
\caption{Example table.}
\begin{block}{Don't use short citations:}
\item avoid short citations like~[1]
\item no one will remember the numbers when the list of references is shown
\item use full citations instead
\begin{block}{Example for a full citation:}
% only for the miniframe navigation
\item summarize the main results of your work
\item also talk about remaining tasks or problems
\item save some time for answering question
\item optionally prepare some extra slides for supposable questions
% only for the miniframe navigation
Thanks for your attention!
Are there questions?