based on the scrlltr2
class. Address and location field and header were manually set to comply to the parameters of DIN5008A (small letter head)
% Letter template which should agree largely with DIN5008A
% Till Blaha 2023, Creative Commons
%%% Configuration
% According to DIN5008A, the height of the right-hand location field can vary between 40 and 75mm
% you can set this value accordingly, if you need more vertical space in that field
% show foldmarks?
\newcommand{\showfoldmarks}{on} % on or off
% include the preamble
%%% uncomment these 2 lines to make sure the boxes for address and location are not overrun
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Content %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Sender Variables %
\setkomavar{fromname}{John Doe}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Freedom Drive 1960\\12345 City\\Country}
\setkomavar{fromphone}{+31 6 123 456 78}
\setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{\ \textperiodcentered \ }
\setkomavar{signature}{\hspace{5mm}\includegraphics[scale=1]{Signature}\\John Doe} % with scanned signature
%\setkomavar{signature}{\vspace{10mm} \\ John Doe} % without scanned signature
\setkomavar{place}{Some City}
\setkomavar{enclseparator}{: }
% Letterhead variables %
\setkomavar{letterheadsubtitle}{Aerospace Engineer}
% Location Variables %
\newline\vspace{-18pt}% no idea why this hack is needed to align the table to the left
\hspace{35mm} \= \hspace{25mm} \= \kill % Spacing within the block
Reference Number: \> 123456789\\
Client Number: \> 202012345\\
Telephone: \> \usekomavar{fromphone}\\
Email: \> \usekomavar{fromemail}
% Addressee %
Addressee \\
Address line 1 \\
Address line 2 \\
Address line 3 \\
1234 AB Stad \\
les Pays-Bas
% Start of Actual Content of the Letter %
\setkomavar{subject}{Letter of Motivation supporting my \LaTeX{} Template}
\opening{To whom it may concern,} % 100 words
\vspace*{5mm}\textbf{Subsection Headline}
\closing{Met vriendelijke groet,}
% Enclosures %
\encl{\textit{Proof (2 pages),\\ More Proof (7 pages)}}
% End of Tex Document %