DH Intro template
Emily Öhman
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple LaTeX template for Waseda University Digital Humanities courses.

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{Your title goes here. Try to think of something other than ``Final Assignment"}
\author{Firstname Lastname \\ \\
Introduction to Digital Humanities: Final Report \\ {\tt name@waseda.jp}}
If you wish, you can write a short abstract. An abstract is like a short description of the why, how, and a one-sentence summary of findings. This should not exceed 5 sentences. The entire paper should be about 4-6 pages long not including references or the list of tools and methods.
This is where you introduce the paper. What are you writing about and why? What are you trying to achieve? How are you going to do that?
Example text to show that indentation is fully automatic.
%This is how you insert an image
\begin{figure}[!htbp]%this is for the float package
\caption{Plutchik's wheel of emotions}
Section \ref{intro} usually ends in a short overview of your paper structure.
This is the theoretical background section. remember to use proper academic references. To cite in text use: \cite{dickinson2012language} or: \citep{dickinson2012language} where applicable.
\section{Data and Method}
This is where you tell the reader what kind of data you're working with.
%You can if needed enter an extra line by using double backslash:
\\ \\
This is also where you tell the reader about what methods you use. How and why. % notice that this section is not automatically indented
In the results section you present your findings. usually the results section is not a place for speculation or conclusions about what your findings might mean. That is usually done in the conclusion \& discussion section.
%% This is how you insert tables. This is easier if you use something like tablesgenerator.com
\begin{table}[htbp!] %this tells the compiler where you want your table/figure placed
\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\small %this while scale the box to fit the page
& \multicolumn{11}{c|}{Emotion / Sentiment} \\
%\multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Language \\ pairs\end{tabular}}} & \multicolumn{10}{l|}{Emotion / Sentiment} \\
& pos.: & neg.: & anger: & anticip.: & disg.: & fear: & joy: & sad.: & surpr.: & trust: & ALL\\
Language & \multicolumn{11}{c|}{Movie Subtitles} \\
EN-FI & .6051 & .4535 & .7507 & .8299 & .7761 & .7818 & .8364 & .7766 & .8964 & .7471 & $0.752^{\pm 0.232}$\\
EN-SV & .5709 & .4744 & .7897 & .8310 & .7817 & .7948 & .7710 & .7865 & .8922 & .7631 & $0.802^{\pm 0.220}$\\
ES-PT & .6186 & .4912 & .7964 & .8419 & .8119 & .7715 & .8749 & .7299 & .9248 & .8251 & $0.746^{\pm 0.231}$\\
Language & \multicolumn{11}{c|}{EuroParl} \\
EN-FI & .5670 & .4613 & .7733 & .8138 & .7839 & .7805 & .8240 & .7755 & .8914 & .7434 & $0.788^{\pm 0.241}$\\
EN-SV & .3219 & .4028 & .7148 & .6590 & .7420 & .6605 & .7314 & .6902 & .7888 & .4851 & $0.665^{\pm 0.213}$\\
ES-PT & .4172 & .4480 & .6849 & .6934 & .7815 & .6783 & .7352 & .6501 & .8278 & .5570 & $0.692^{\pm 0.178}$\\
AVG: & .5168 & .4552 & .7516 & .7782 & .7795 & .7446 & .7955 & .7348 & .8702 & .6868 & \\
\caption{Percentage of matched sentiments across languages according to lexicon-based classification. {\em ALL} refers to the averaged cosine similarity of the 10-dimensional sentiment vectors and the number in superscript gives the standard deviation observed in the data.}
%% comparison to the estimated correlations in previous section
% 'E' refers to EuroParl and 'S' to subtitles datasets respectively.
\section{Conclusion and Discussion}
Here you can discuss what your results mean.
\section{Future Work}
This section is not necessary. If you wish, though, you can add a few lines about what other steps you'd like to take to get better or more in-depth results in the future.
\section{List of tools and methods used}
This section lists all the tools and methods used.
\subsection{Tools and software}
\item Python3
\item NLTK
\item re
\item AntConc
\item TagAnt
\subsection{Regular expressions}
\item To find all words beginning with strong or streng: \textbackslash{b}str[oe]ng \end{itemize}
import nltk
import re
#do something
\bibliographystyle{apalike}%This is where the referencing style name goes
\bibliography{DHintro}%This is where the name of your .bib file goes
%The references appear automatically