A cover letter template based on Deedy Resume. I have included some basic pointers for writing a cover letter in the source as comments. Hope it helps!
% Deedy - Cover Letter Template
% LaTeX Template
\rfoot{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt}}
\namesection{John}{Doe}{ \urlstyle{same}\href{https://johndoe.xyz}{johndoe.xyz} | \href{mailto:me@johndoe.xyz}{me@johndoe.xyz} | 0
7771238921 | \urlstyle{same}\href{https://github.com}{Github} | \urlstyle{same}\href{https://linkedin.com}{Linkedin}
\companyname{Random LLC}
24 Hours \\
Keep Grinding \\
\lettercontent{Dear Recruiter,}
% The first paragraph of your job application letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the job you are applying for and where you found the position. If you have a contact at the company, mention the person's name and your connection here.
\lettercontent{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus laoreet tellus tincidunt, sagittis erat nec, sodales enim. Fusce eget iaculis dui. Morbi ante mi, fermentum et vehicula sit amet, sagittis id odio. Proin eget velit dignissim, imperdiet risus vitae, vulputate urna. In commodo ex vitae nisi placerat, ac lobortis velit efficitur. Ut quam mi, commodo quis justo id, faucibus feugiat nisl.
% The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the company. Make strong connections between your abilities and the requirements listed in the job posting. Mention specifically how your skills and experience match the job. Expand on the information in your resume.
% Try to support each statement you make with a piece of evidence. Use several shorter paragraphs or bullets rather than one large block of text, which can be difficult to read and absorb quickly.
%For example
% Using the knowledge and skills I have acquired in my <DEGREE PROGRAM> combined with my technical abilities I believe I can provide significant value to <COMPANY> while providing me invaluable experience to <PREPARE FOR OR FURTHER CAREER>.
% In own projects, my coursework, work as a <PREVIOUS JOB TITLE> I have applied knowledge of <SUBJECT MATTER>.
% Combining these tools with my interests in <FIELD> issues, I hope to help the <DEPARTMENT> answer questions about the <SUBJECT> behind <FIELD> projects.
\lettercontent{Ut tempor, nulla at tincidunt sodales, sapien magna luctus purus, at ornare nulla nunc ut nibh. Donec ex purus, cursus at tincidunt non, dictum at lectus. Vivamus rutrum lacinia felis, id tempor velit. Fusce dictum laoreet mauris id placerat. Aenean pellentesque ultrices libero, eget placerat ipsum hendrerit id. Suspendisse at sem euismod tortor vehicula sodales in quis libero. Nulla commodo diam justo, sed vestibulum nulla commodo a. Curabitur tempor placerat magna eu vehicula. Etiam a lectus ornare, commodo dolor eu, blandit odio. Sed ut metus a sem dapibus euismod.
\lettercontent{Maecenas eu malesuada ex. Mauris eleifend risus ut enim malesuada, eu malesuada nulla tincidunt. Cras mattis consectetur lacus. Aliquam volutpat pharetra nulla, ac molestie lectus pretium non. Sed egestas dui ac eleifend semper. Fusce tristique tempus arcu, quis tincidunt nunc pulvinar in. Donec malesuada turpis aliquam aliquam luctus. Fusce nibh velit, tristique vel enim gravida, ullamcorper interdum lacus. Proin sit amet ligula felis.
% Conclude your application letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position.
\lettercontent{Praesent non elementum enim, id aliquet risus. Morbi sit amet urna condimentum, pulvinar lacus sit amet, accumsan lectus. Morbi facilisis mauris ut turpis tincidunt, vel convallis nibh placerat.}
\closing{Sincerely,\\ \vspace{.1cm} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{OpenFonts/signature} \vspace{-1cm} }
\signature{John Doe}