DBS Programme Approval Form
Paul Laird
7 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Initial form for submission to Academic Board, prior to seeking validation

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Initial form for submission to Academic Board, prior to seeking validation
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%Enter the Course Title
MSc in ...
%DBS, ICM, QQI or other validating body
%Enter the Course Duration
12 months
%Enter the number of credits
%QQI Level
%Proposed commencement date
%Classroom, blended, work-based or online
Application Approval & 31/07/18 \\
Submission to QQI & 30/09/18 \\
Validation Panel & 31/01/18 \\
Panel Report & 30/04/18 \\
DBS Response & 15/05/19 \\
PAEC & 15/06/19 \\
QQI Validation & 31/07/19 \\
%Outline the academic and professional rationale for the proposed programme, including unique and innovative features.
The rationale for the programme is...
%Programme Structure%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%New, Existing, Core, Elective
Module name & Existing Course & C/E & Semester& Hours \\
... & New & Core& 1~~~~1-6& 24 \\
... & New & Core& 1~~~7-12& 24 \\
... & Existing & Core& 1~~~~1-8& 48 \\
... & New & Core& 1~~~9-12& 24 \\
...& New & Core& 1 & 24 \\
... & New & Core& 2 & 48 \\
...& New & Core& 2 & 48 \\
... & Existing MBA & Core& 2 & 48 \\
Research Methods & Existing & Core& L & 24 \\
Applied Project & Existing & Core& 3 & N/A \\
\item Analyse ...
\item Comprehend and distill ...
\item ...
\item MIPLO4
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\item MIPLO8
\item MIPLO9
%What will the admissions requirements be and how have these been determined?
NFQ Level 8 qualification from a cognate discipline, with a grade classification of second class or higher.
%Does the Programme fit the current mission, image and strategic goals of DBS?
%//for ACT
%Are there similar programmes elsewhere within DBS and how can we ensure we make use of these?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%If the programme has common modules with existing programme(s), list those modules, and determine the hours and percent of the new programme that will be common with the existing programme
%Will the programme cannibalize starts from any existing programmes? If so, explain the extent to which this will happen and the plan to deal with this situation.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Does sufficient academic strength to deliver the programme already exist within Faculty? If not, how will this be addressed?
The programme could be delivered by current faculty.
%Please indicate the likely career opportunities/destinations for graduates of this programme
%Provide general information about careers, job growth (by occupation, numbers and percentages) and wages resulting from your selected programme
%Provide information/details on government approvals/schemes or future Plans on the programme area if applicable
%Provide information on how large the market is in terms of number of students for the particular programme .This should be data-driven market research and there should be supported estimates of current and projected demand for the programme.
%What are the traditional vocational and professional qualifications in this area and how do we plan to integrate exemptions into this proposal?
Not Applicable
%Is there evidence of employer support or demand for the programme? If possible, provide evidence of consultation with professional bodies and indicate whether there are plans to see accreditation for the proposed programme
%List competitors offering product, estimated size of student body if available (number of registered students if available), cost and time to completion
%Who is the target market for this offering? How does it compare to the rest of the Business Unit or its related programmes?
NFQ Level 8 graduates of the appropriate level (2.2) from a cognate discipline. Either full time or part time.
The target demographic for full time students will be ...
%What is the expected marketing strategy and campaign execution plan to create awareness of the programme?
%Please identify any potential hurdles in developing, selling and marketing the programme?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
A strong demand for the programme is expected, and no immediate hurdles are foreseen.
%//input from COB
%What are expected student numbers over the next three years showing new enrolments and cumulative totals by year taking account of progression rates?
%//input from COB
The course will not run with fewer than 15 students...%, with the exception of the first cohort, in which, if applicable, 10 students will suffice to permit promotion of the profile of the course. It is not expected that this situation will arise, and a typical intake will be 35 students. Flexibility for up to 50 students is provided, should new classroom accommodation be secured.
%What are the proposed tuition fees for this course taking into account the prices of any competitive offerings?
%//input from COB
%Can you identify any additional human, physical, IT and other resources that will be required (e.g. additional full-time academics)?
No significant additional resource requirements are envisaged...