Curriculum Vitae
Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi
10 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Latex CV Template by Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi
Email: mmiazi@gmail.com

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Latex CV Template by Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi
Email: mmiazi@gmail.com
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Latex CV Template by Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi
% Email: mmiazi@gmail.com
\usepackage[letterpaper, total={7in, 8.5in}]{geometry}
\rhead{Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi}
\begin{center}\textsc{\textbf{\LARGE{Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi}}}\end{center}
\flushleft{\textsf{Department of Software and Information Systems\\ College of Computing and Informatics\\University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223}}
\flushright{\textsf{Phone: 980-267-5239\\E-mail: mmiazi@uncc.edu\\http://webpages.uncc.edu/mmiazi}}
\small{\textsf{\textbf{University of North Carolina at Charlotte} \hspace{30pt}Ph.D.\hspace{30pt}SIS\hspace{90pt}Sept, 2015 - Present}\vspace{1pt}
\textsf{\textbf{University of Dhaka, Bangladesh} \hspace{73pt}B.Sc.\hspace{30pt}Computer Science\hspace{25pt}Feb, 2009 - Mar, 2013}\\ \textit{CGPA: 3.57 out of 4.00} \vspace{1pt}
\textsf{\textbf{BMAR Public College} \hspace{127pt}HSC\hspace{30pt}Science Group\hspace{45pt}Jan, 2007 - Dec, 2008}\\ \textit{GPA: 5.00 out of 5.00\hspace{150pt}Higher-secondary School Certificate examination} \vspace{1pt}
\textsf{\textbf{Udayan Higher Secondary School} \hspace{72pt}SSC\hspace{30pt}Science Group\hspace{45pt}Jan, 1995 - Dec, 2006}\\ \textit{GPA: 5.00 out of 5.00\hspace{150pt}Secondary School Certificate examination} \vspace{1pt}}
%Work Experience.........................................................
\begin{center}\textrm{\textbf{\large{\underline{Work Experience}}}}\end{center}
\textsf{\textbf{Graduate Research Assistant}\hspace{220pt}Sep, 2015 - Present\\ \textit{Dept. of SIS, CCI, University of North Carolina at Charlotte}\\I have recently joined in the CyberDNA research center as a Research Assistant to pursue my Ph.D. I will be working on strengthening cyber defense and ensuring secured and safe networks.}\\ \vspace{2pt}
\textsf{\textbf{Research Assistant}\hspace{275pt}Jan, 2012 - July, 2015\\ \textit{Green Networking Research Group, Dept. of CSE, University of Dhaka}\\I was actively involved in research activities (Doing undergrad research, research paper reviews, attending and presenting in weekly seminars, literature reviews and other group activities). I worked in a project named "Driver Distraction Management Using Sensor Data Cloud" ( Server-Client data communication and synchronization, Cloud Server and Database management, Integrating location based services, Embedded system programming in Raspberry PI ). The Project was funded by Information Society Innovation Fund, Asia.}\\ \vspace{2pt}
\textsf{\textbf{Part-time Lecturer}\hspace{275pt}Oct, 2014 - Mar, 2015\\ \textit{Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology}\\I worked in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. I took lab classes on advanced database systems.}\\ \vspace{2pt}
\textsf{\textbf{Lecturer}\hspace{335pt}May, 2014 - Aug, 2014\\ \textit{Daffodil International University}\\I was in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. I took classes on structured programming in C, algorithms and computer graphics.}\\ \vspace{2pt}
\item Tabassum, Madiha, Md Abdur Razzaque, Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Abdulhameed Alelaiwi, and Atif Alamri. "An energy aware event-driven routing protocol for cognitive radio sensor networks." Wireless Networks: 1-14.
\item Miazi, Md Nazmus Sakib, Madiha Tabassum, Md Abdur Razzaque, and M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud. "An energy-efficient common control channel selection mechanism for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks." annals of telecommunications-annales des telecommunications 70, no. 1-2: 11-28.
%Research Interest............................................................
\begin{center}\textrm{\textbf{\large{\underline{Research Interests}}}}\end{center}
\item Cyber Defense
\item Big Data analysis
\item Distributed Systems
\item Cloud Computing
\item Cognitive Radio Networks
\textit{\textbf{Programming: }}\hspace{40pt}C/C++, Java, PHP, C\#, Pyhton, PL/SQL\\
\textit{\textbf{Web Development: }}\hspace{18pt}HTML, CSS/CSS3, Javascript\\
\textit{\textbf{DBMS: }}\hspace{85pt}MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server\\
\textit{\textbf{OS Proficiency: }}\hspace{38pt}Linux \(Debian, Red Hat\), Windows, Mac
%Other Info...................................................................
\begin{center}\textrm{\textbf{\large{\underline{Other Information}}}}\end{center}
\item \textit{2014} ICT Fellowship, awarded by Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and
Information Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
\item \textbf{Bengali: } Expert, Mother-tongue
\item \textbf{English: } Verbally Expert
\begin{center}\textrm{\textbf{\large{\underline{References: }}}}\end{center}
\item \textbf{Ehab Al-Shaer, Ph.D.}\\Professor and Director of Cyber Defense and Network Assurability Center (CyberDNA)\\Software and Information Systems\\Office: Woodward Hall 343-D\\Email: ealshaer@uncc.edu\\Phone: 704-687-8663
\item \textbf{Md. Abdur Razzaque, Ph.D}\\Professor\\Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\University of Dhaka\\Email: razzaque@cse.univdhaka.edu
\item \textbf{Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, Ph.D}\\Professor\\Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\University of Dhaka\\Email: hafizbabu@cse.univdhaka.edu