CS6780 Assignment Template
Ashudeep Singh
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Assignment solutions template for CS 6780 Cornell

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Assignment solutions template for CS 6780 Cornell
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[a4 paper]{article}
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pdfauthor={Ashudeep Singh},%
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\homework{Submission Assignment \#1}{Due: 02/12/19}{Thorsten Joachims}{}{Student name(s)}{NetId(s)}
\textbf{Course Policy}: Read all the instructions below carefully before you start working on the assignment, and before you make a submission.
\item Please typeset your submissions in \LaTeX. Use the template provided for your answers. Please include your name and NetIDs with submission.
date and time on the first page.
\item Assignments are due at the beginning of class at 2:55 pm on the due date on CMS.
\item Late assignments can be submitted on CMS up to Sunday, Feb 17. This is also when the solutions will be released.
\item You can do this assignment in groups of 2. Please submit no more than one submission per group.
\item All sources of material must be cited. The University Academic Code of Conduct
will be strictly enforced.
\problem{1: Version Spaces}{10+10+10+20=50}
\textit{Weather} & \textit{Food} & \textit{Meeting} & \textit{Attend?} \\ \midrule
cold & full & idc & yes \\
cold & empty & no & no \\
hot & full & yes & yes \\
cold & full & no & yes \\
hot & empty & no & no \\ \bottomrule
\caption{Dataset $\D$\label{table:1}}
\subproblem{a} Write your solution here
% Comment: In the objective, we wrote ``Practice writing proofs'' but this is rather simple and not very rigorous?
\problem{2: Decision Trees, Overfitting}{5+5+10+5+10+10=45}
\problem{3: Hypothesis Testing}{15+10=25}