Articles for the Computational Communication Research journal published by Amsterdam University Press
% Template for articles for CCR (Computational Communication Research)
% Version 0.02
% This file contains information such as author, title, etc.
% Edit the body.tex file to add the contents (or change the \input{body} below)
% Note - lines starting with a % are completely ignored by latex and function as comments
% See for a complete example article
% The first part of the latex document contains metadata
% Regular metadata (title, authors etc)
\title{Title of your article}
\shorttitle{Short title for footer}
\authorsnames{First author, Second author, Third author}
% Short author list for footer
\shortauthors{Author \& Second}
% Note that you need to provide as many affiliations as authors
% If multiple authors have the same affiliation, please copy that record as needed
{Department of Communication Science, Some University, Somewhere},
{Department of Communication Science, Some University, Somewhere},
{Department of Communication Science, Another University, Somewhere Else},
A brief abstract that describes the study and main findings.
In this template document, we will mainly give some examples of using Latex.
\keywords{some, useful, keywords}
% You can add or rename the bibliography file(s) here
% Note that you can exported them from endnote or zotero directly and upload them to overleaf
% The following information is provided by the journal when moving to production
% some packages that are generally useful when writing articles in latex
\usepackage{tabularx} % for full-width tables
\usepackage{booktabs} % for nicer horizontal lines in tables
\usepackage[mode=text]{siunitx} % for centering columns on the decimal mark
\usepackage{graphicx} % for including figures
\usepackage{csquotes}\MakeOuterQuote{"} % to allow "double quotes" instead of ``double quote''
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % for URLs and other hyperlinks
% Include the body
% Note: You can also type it directly here, or include a file per section, whatever works best for you
% Bibliography
% Uncomment the next line (\nocite{*}) if you want to include all items from your .bib file
% (e.g. if you didn't use the \textcite or \parencite commands above)
% \nocite{*}
% This command generates the bibliography