Coles Resume Template!
Cole Miller
1 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Easy to use sleek, simple resume template, easily editable
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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% Packages
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\usepackage{enumitem} % For itemized list formatting
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% Formatting
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% Begin document
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% Header
\textbf{\Large JOHN DOE}\\[2pt] % Name
City, State | \href{}{} | (123) 456-7890 | \href{}{} | Country Citizen % Contact info
% Education Section
\textbf{University Name}, City, State \hfill Enrolled: Month Year | Expected: Month Year\\ % University name and location
Degree Name \hfill Overall GPA: X.XX | Major GPA X.XX\\ % Degree and GPA
Threads: Example and Example \hfill Credit standing: Honors % Additional info
% Experience Section
\textbf{Company Name} \hfill City, State\\ % Company name and location
\textit{Position Title} \hfill Month Year - Month Year % Position and duration
\item Description of responsibilities and achievements at this position. % Job responsibilities and achievements
% Additional Experience or Volunteer Work
\textbf{Project or Volunteer Work Name} \hfill City, State\\ % Project or organization name and location
\textit{Position Title, Volunteer} \hfill Month Year – Month Year % Position and duration
\item Description of responsibilities and achievements at this position. % Responsibilities and achievements
% Club or Organization Experience
\textbf{Club or Organization Name} \hfill City, State\\ % Club or organization name and location
\textit{Position Title} \hfill Month Year – Ongoing % Position and duration
\item Description of responsibilities and achievements at this position. % Responsibilities and achievements
% Projects Section
\textbf{Project Name} \hfill City, State\\ % Project name and location
\textit{Project Link:} \url{} \hfill Month Year - Status % Project link and duration
\item Description of the project and your contributions. % Project description and contributions
% Additional Project
\textbf{Project Name} \hfill City, State\\ % Project name and location
\textit{Project Link:} \url{} \hfill Month Year % Project link and duration
\item Description of the project and your contributions. % Project description and contributions
% Skills Section
\item \textbf{Relevant Coursework:} List of relevant courses you have taken. % Relevant coursework
\item \textbf{Programming:} List of programming languages you are proficient in. % Programming skills
\item \textbf{Software:} List of software you are proficient in. % Software skills
\item \textbf{Communication:} List of communication skills you possess. % Communication skills
% End document