Carleton comps paper template
Andrew Gainer-Dewar
11 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for writing Carleton comps papers.

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% Template for Carleton comps papers
% Author: Andrew Gainer-Dewar, 2013
% This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
% To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
% The Latin Modern font is a modernized replacement for the classic
% Computer Modern. Feel free to replace this with a different font package.
% Load in biblatex
% To use a different bibliography style, just change "numeric" to
% your preferred style (mla for MLA style, alphabetic for Author-Year
% style, etc.) There are a lot of options; check the BibLaTeX documentation.
% Select the bibliography file
\title{Title of the project}
\author{Author 1 \and Author 2 \and Author 3 \and Author 4}
\advisor{Advisor name}
% First, we go into "front matter" mode.
% Among other things, this gives us Roman page numbers.
% We tell LaTeX to make a title page.
% Then we do some front-matter business.
If you wish to write a dedication or acknowledgments, you can do so here.
Write an abstract here.
Be sure to keep it under 300 words.
% A Table of Contents is important!
% Include the list of figures and list of tables only if you actually *have*
% figures and tables! (The * after each indicates that it should not be included
% in the table of contents.)
% Next, we go into "main matter" mode.
% This resets the page numbers and uses Arabic numerals.
\chapter{Title of a chapter}
Introductory matter for this section.
\section{Title of a section}
Something in this section.
Theorem statement
\section{Another title of a section}
Something for the next section.
% If you want to include appendices, just use the \appendix command
% and then make chapters as normal
\chapter{An appendix}
Be sure to check out \cite{notsoshort} for more information!
% Finally, we switch over to "back matter" mode for the bibliography