Book Spine Template
Huangrui Mo
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX Template for Producing Book Spine
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LaTeX Template for Producing Book Spine
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%- -%
%- LaTeX Template -%
%- -%
%- Copyright (C) Huangrui Mo <>
%- This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
%- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
%- (at your option) any later version.
%->> Document class declaration
%- [fontset=<fandol|...>]% specify font set to replace automatic detection
%->> Load package
\usepackage[paper=a4paper,margin=3cm]{geometry}% page layout
\usepackage{graphicx}% support rotatebox
%->> Define command
\renewcommand{\title}[1]{\def\spinetitle{#1}}% title command
\renewcommand{\author}[1]{\def\spineauthor{#1}}% author command
\newcommand{\institute}[1]{\def\spineinst{#1}}% institute command
\newcommand{\makespine}{% command for making spine
\newpage\thispagestyle{empty}% no header and footer
\linespread{1.0}% line space
\heiti\zihao{-4}\centering% font property
\spinetitle\vfill\spineauthor\vfill\spineinst% structure
%->> Spine content
%-> 国科大标准样例
\title{中\par 国\par 科\par 学\par 院\par 大\par 学\par 学\par 位\par 论\par 文\par \rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}{~\LaTeX{}~}\par 模\par 板\par {$~^{\pi}\pi^{\pi}$}}% 论文中文题目
\author{莫\par 晃\par 锐}% 论文作者
\institute{中\par 国\par 科\par 学\par 院\par 大\par 学}% 学校名称
\makespine% 生成书脊
%-> 展示样例
\title{中\par 国\par 科\par 学\par 院\par 大\par 学\par 学\par 位\par 论\par 文\par 模\par 版\par \rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}{~ucasthesis~}}% 论文中文题目
\author{莫\par 晃\par 锐}% 论文作者
\institute{{\zihao{-5}中中\par 华国\par 人科\par 民学\par 共院\par 和大\par 国学\par} 制}% 学校名称
\makespine% 生成书脊