Beamer Template ULaval - Olico1
Olivier Côté
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template beamer pour les étudiants de l'Université Laval.

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% For typesetting bold math (not \mathbold)
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
%\setbeameroption{show notes}
%\setbeamertemplate{note page}[plain]
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%\useoutertheme{infolines} % Pour les thèmes qui n'ont pas de pied-de-page
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% For typesetting bold math (not \mathbold)
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
%\setbeameroption{show notes}
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\title[Short Title]{Long Title}
\author[Short Author Name]{Long Author Name}
\institute[Université Laval]
École d'actuariat \\
Université Laval, Québec, Canada \\
\date{\today} % \today will show current date.
% Alternatively, you can specify a date.
\Huge \centerline{\insertsection}
% \small \tableofcontents[currentsection, hideothersubsections]
\begin{frame}[label=titre, plain]
\begin{frame}[label=intro]{Introduction slide}
This document shows how to use the \emph{ulaval} Beamer template.
It gives examples to see how the resulting document looks like.
\section{Main Section}
\subsection{List styles}
\begin{frame}[label=itemize]\frametitle{Itemize sample}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Sub item 1
\item Sub item 2
\item Sub sub sub item 1
\item Sub sub sub item 2
\item Sub item 3
\item Item 3
\begin{frame}[label=enumerate]\frametitle{Enumerate sample}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Sub item 1
\item Sub item 2
\item Sub sub sub item 1
\item Sub sub sub item 2
\item Sub item 3
\item Item 3
\begin{frame}[label=description]\frametitle{Description sample}
\item[Term 1:] Definition 1
\item[Term 2:] Definition 2
\item[Term 3:] Definition 3
\subsection{Boxes styles}
\begin{frame}[label=boxes]\frametitle{Boxes Styles}
\begin{block}{Block Title}
Block content
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Block Title}
Alert block content
\begin{exampleblock}{Example Block Title}
Example block content
\subsection{Block environments}
\begin{frame}[label=environments]\frametitle{Environments Samples}
Definition content
Example content
Proof content
Theorem content
V_0 = k_0 \rho \sqrt{n_1^2 - n_2^2}
\subsection{Text environments}
\begin{frame}[label=text]\frametitle{Text Environments}
Quotation environment line 1\\
Quotation environment line 2
Quote environment line 1\\
Quote environment line 2
Semiverbatim environment
Verse environment line 1\\
Verse environment line 2
\begin{frame}[label=conclu]{Conclusion slide}
That's all folks!
% End of slides