% ANUfinalexam.tex (Version 2.0)
% ===============================================================================
% Australian National University Final Exam LaTeX template.
% 2004; 2009, Timothy Kam, ANU School of Economics
% Licence type: Free as defined in the GNU General Public Licence: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
% Insert your course information here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\titlehd}{MY COURSE TITLE}
\newcommand{\examtype}{Second Semester Examination}
\newcommand{\examdate}{November 2004}
\newcommand{\examcode}{ECON 8001}
\newcommand{\readtime}{15 Minutes}
\newcommand{\writetime}{TWO Hours}
\newcommand{\materials}{Non-programmable Calculators; Mathematical tables}
\newcommand{\lastwords}{End of Examination}
\newenvironment{proof}[1][Proof]{\noindent\textbf{#1.} }{\ \rule{0.5em}{0.5em}}
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\cfoot{\footnotesize{Page \thepage \ of \pageref{finalpage} -- \titlehd \ (\examcode)}}
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%\rfoot{Page \ \thepage \ of \ \pageref{finalpage} \\
% \texttt{\examcode}} %Print the page number in the right footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %Do not print a rule below the header
% Title page
\textit{ \examtype -- \examdate}
\textit{Reading Time: \readtime}
\textit{Writing Time: \writetime}
\textit{Permitted Materials: \materials}
% End title page
\textit{Answer\textbf{\ all} questions in this section using the answer
booklet(s) provided. Answers are expected to be succinct but complete.
Answers that are too long and irrelevant will be penalized.}
\paragraph{\textbf{Question 1}}
This is a stupid question ... Blah blah blah....
\item \lbrack\ 5 marks ] part 1 of question.
\item \lbrack \ 6 marks ] blah blah meow!
\item \lbrack \ 6 marks ] hoo-ah!
\paragraph{\textbf{Question 2}}
Blah blah this is question 2
\paragraph{\textbf{Question 3} \ }
Oh wow we have more than 2 questions?
\paragraph{Question 4} Hooray... last question!
--------- \textit{\lastwords} ---------