Nadjib Mammeri
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for an arabic book that supporting RTL and multi languages.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Template for a book in arabic
% author: Nadjib Mammeri
% Copyright 2023
% largely inspired from Mohammed Obaid Alziyadi book template
% with simplification and update to work with latest Tex release
%\usepackage[printwatermark]{xwatermark} % was causing error with latest textlive
% set fonts
\newfontfamily\englishfont[Scale=1.2]{TeX Gyre Termes}
% set languages
% \setotherlanguage{farsi}
% Basic spacing
%\openup 0.5em
% set captions
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{قائمةالجداول }
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{قائمة الاشكال }
\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loaf,placement={ht},listname={جدول الملحقات },name=Figure]{appendixfigure}
\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loat,placement={ht},listname={جدول الملحقات },name=Table]{appendixtable}
% Fix table captions
% set pagestyle headers and footers
\pagestyle{plain} % remove this to include headers
% Format table of contents
\addtocontents{lot}{\noindent\underline{جدول}\hfill \underline{صفحة}\par}
\addtocontents{lof}{\noindent\underline{أشكال}\hfill \underline{صفحة}\par}
\addtocontents{loat}{\noindent\underline{Table}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
\addtocontents{loaf}{\noindent\underline{صفحة}\hfill \underline{أشكال}\par}
% ------- Labels chapters correctly
%\titleformat{\chapter}[display] % 2 lines chapter title
% \titleformat{\chapter} % single line chapter title
% {\centering\normalfont\bfseries}{{\LARGE\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}} \thechapter.}}{1em}{\LARGE\MakeUppercase}
% No chapeter name and number
%========================================= Main document
\title{ رحلة في كوكب افريقيا }
\author{ نجيب معمري }
%\pagenumbering{gobble} %switch off page numbering
%========================================= Title page
رحلة في كوكب افريقيا}
\centering{\Large{ نجيب معمري }}\\
\centering \large{2022}
%========================================= Acknowledgment
%========================================= Introduction
%========================================= Table of content
%========================================= Chapters
% enable this if you want page numeric numbering to start from here
% test chapter to show multi-lingual support