Andrew C
6 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Resume template for high school students, with inspiration from Jake's Template
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% Resume in Latex
% Author : Jake Gutierrez
% Based off of:
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
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\textbf{\Huge \scshape Andrew Ryan}
{Brooklyn Technical High School}{Brooklyn, NY}
{GPA 3.76, Class rank 63/350, SAT 1510}{Sept. 2021 -- Jun 2025}
\section{Extracurricular Activities}
{Student Government}{Sept. 2023 -- Jun. 2024}
{Treasurer}{Brooklyn, NY}
\resumeItem{Developed budget proposals, collaborating with the student government team to plan major school events.}
\resumeItem{Organized and led fundraising events, \textbf{raising over \$5,000} for school activities and projects.}
\resumeItem{Managed the student government budget, ensuring accurate tracking and allocation of funds.}
{Math Team}{Sept. 2022 -- Present}
{Team Captain}{Brooklyn, NY}
\resumeItem{Competed in regional, state, and national-level math competitions\textbf{(NYCIML, NYCMTS).}}
\resumeItem{Facilitated weekly study sessions to discuss high-level \textbf{Probability Theory, Geometry \& Algebra.}}
\resumeItem{Led a 26-member math team as captain, overseeing strategy development and competition preparation.}
{Varsity Swim Team}{Sep. 2021 -- June 2024}
{Team Captain}{Brooklyn, NY}
\resumeItem{Led the varsity swim team to its \textbf{inaugural section championship} through leadership and strategic planning.}
\resumeItem{Mentored junior team members, providing guidance on proper techniques, race preparation, and sportsmanship.}
{FlexiDip}{June 2024 -- Present}
{Co-Founder}{Ann Arbor, MI}
\resumeItem{\textbf{Co-founded startup} specializing in adjustable dipping containers, optimizing buffalo wing dining experience.}
\resumeItem{Developed minimum viable product(MVP) capable of early-stage revenue generation.}
\resumeItem{Received positive feedback from established brands like Buffalo Wild Wings for innovative sauce holder designs.}
\resumeItem{Validated startup idea through market research and interview feedback as a part of Launch-X U-Michigan.}
{Private Math Tutor}{Sept. 2021 -- Present}
{Team Captain}{Brooklyn, NY}
\resumeItem{Provided personalized tutoring sessions in algebra, calculus, and geometry to elementary \& middle-school students}
\resumeItem{Developed lesson plans for diverse learning styles, leading to improvements by \textbf{upwards of 1.5 letter grades}.}
{Speedo Scholastic All-American}{Aug. 2023 -- Present}
\resumeItem{National award given to student-athletes who achieve a \textbf{national time standard }while maintaining a 3.5+ GPA.}
{National Junior Honor Society}{June 2023 -- Present}
\resumeItem{Award presented to students with outstanding achievements in academics, leadership, and community service.}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Courses}{: AP Calulus BC, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP World History, AP U.S. History, AP Statistics, AP Literature} \\
%-----------Skill and Interests-----------
\section{Skills \& Interests}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Skills}{: Probability Theory, Web Design, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office} \\
\textbf{Interests}{: Photography, Creative Writing, Archery, New York Knicks} \\
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