English template for submissions to Almanaque Económico, student journal by the undergraduate students in Economics at El Colegio de México (COLMEX)
% "Almanaque Económico" English template
\documentclass[utf8, twoside,]{article}
%Basic packages-------------------------
% Image directory. Images must be placed in the "figs" folder. Tables must be placed in the "tables" folder.
% Keyword commands are created----------------------------------
\textbf{\textit{Keywords---}} #1
\textbf{\textit{Palabras clave---}} #1
%Double spacing
% Additional packages here--------------
%Add references as a .bib file
\begin{document} %Start of document
%Title information
\title{Title1\\ \medskip %titulo en otro idioma en otra línea
\author{Nombre Apellido, \it{Institución Educativa}}
\date{} %Dejar en blanco
% Single spacing for title page
\maketitle %Title is made
%The name of the Abstract section is defined in English
%English abstract
\vspace{-0.2cm} %Space adjustment
Abstract text in English
%The name of the Abstract section is defined in Spanish
%Spanish abstract
\vspace{-0.2cm} %Space adjustment
Abstract text in Spanish
%Keywords in English
\keywords{one, two, three}
%Keywords in Spanish
\pclave{uno, dos, tres}
%Finalize title page formatting
Introduction text. An example on how to cite:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\footnote{\cite{fernandez}} Pellentesque tincidunt sit amet magna a ultricies. Praesent ultrices dictum velit, ut luctus sem fermentum a.\footnote{\cite{anton}} Aenean sed ex fringilla nulla mattis cursus. Sed efficitur ligula condimentum purus vestibulum placerat.\footnote{\cite{fernandez}}
Body text. The name of this section may be changed, and additional sections may be created.
% Image example. Format must be .eps
.eps image:
\caption{eps image} \label{fig:img1}
%We accept images in .eps format, but it's preferred to create the graph in Latex using the pgfplots or TikZ packages for greater consistency
% Example image from https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/eps/eps.html
%Image using pgfplots
An image made with pgfplots:
\caption{pgfplots image} \label{fig:img2}
%Image using TikZ
Example of a TikZ image:
\caption{TikZ image} \label{fig:img3}
Use the method most suited for your needs.
You may also reference images and tables. For example, Figure \ref{fig:img1}is a .eps image
% We add a regression table. For more info on how to easily export a regression table from Stata to Latex, consult the following webpage:
% http://repec.org/bocode/e/estout/esttab.html
A regression table
\caption{Table imported from Stata} \label{table:reg1}
%Maths example
Maths example
Slustky's substitution matrix is:
\dfrac{\delta^2e(p.u)}{\delta p_1^2} & \dfrac{\delta^2e(p.u)}{\delta p_2 \delta p_1} \\[2ex]
\dfrac{\delta^2e(p.u)}{\delta p_1\delta p_2} & \dfrac{\delta^2e(p.u)}{\delta p_2^2} \\[2ex]
By the Shepard Theorem we know that
\dfrac{\delta e (\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_i} = x_i^h(\vec{p}, u)
Donde $x_i^h(\vec{p}, u))$ es la demanda Hicksiana,
Ahora, por \eqref{eq:2}, podemos escribir \eqref{eq:1} como:
\dfrac{\delta x_1^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_1}
& \dfrac{\delta x_1^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_2} \\[2ex]
\dfrac{\delta x_2^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_1}
& \dfrac{\delta x_2^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_2} \\[2ex]
Hicks' Third Law states:
\sum_{j=1}^n \dfrac{\delta x_i^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_j} p_j = 0, \quad i=1,\dots,n
\dfrac{\delta x_1^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_1}
& \dfrac{\delta x_1^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_2} \\[2ex]
\dfrac{\delta x_2^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_1}
& \dfrac{\delta x_2^h(\vec{p}, u)}{\delta p_2} \\[2ex]
p_1 \\[2ex]
p_2 \\[2ex]
0 \\[2ex]
0 \\[2ex]
Conclusions text.
%References language is selected
\printbibliography %inserts bibliography