AAU report template
Simon Faurholt Jensen
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple template for reports at AAU.

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A simple template for reports at AAU.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[final,danish]{packages/DocLayout} % Danish, british, english
\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text - can be removed
\usepackage{packages/mygraphics} % can be removed if tikz/pgf is not used
\tikzexternalize % including this
%% Danish version
\Project{Semester projekt} % semester projekt, bachelor projekt, kandidat projekt
\University{Aalborg Universitet}
\Department{Institut for Materialer and Produktion}
\Theme{Fysikkens metoder}
\Title{Passive Thermal Cycling of Wire Bond Interconnects}
\Semester{Forårs semestret 2017}
\Group{Gruppe 4.212}
\Date{29. maj 2017}
\Supervisor{John Doe, John Doe Doe}
Fornavn Mellemnavn Efternavn,
Fornavn Efternavn
%% English version
\Project{Semester project} % semester project, bachelor project, master projekt
\University{Aalborg University}
\Department{Department of Materials and Production}
\Theme{The methods of physics}
\Title{Passive Thermal Cycling of Wire Bond Interconnects}
\Semester{Spring semester 2017}
\Group{Group 4.212}
\Date{May 29th 2017}
\Supervisor{John Doe, John Doe Doe}
Firstname Middlename Lastname,
Firstname Lastname
\hypersetup{pdfauthor = \InsertAuthor, pdftitle = \InsertTitle}
\pagestyle{scrheadings} \pagenumbering{arabic}
\chapter{Appendix 1}